Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veteran's Day 2014

So, Laurel Ridge has a Thanksgiving Day luncheon on Veteran's Day each year.  Bill was able to go....we learned from last year that we didn't like the  So we took the opportunity to just bring Addi some lunch!  She was happy with that!

You would have thought that today was Addison's birthday with how excited she was.  She was SO excited about Veteran's Day!  Two days before she pulled me aside and said "Mom we only have two days left....I have to make Daddy a card!"  So on Monday when Bill picked her up at Spanish she gave him options.  "You have to go to bed before 7:30 or you can go up to the attic."  We have never even been in the attic!  But she needed to make a card!  She was able to do that in the craft room while Daddy watched TV.  It worked out and he didn't have to go to the attic.  Then in the morning she was waking Bill up with his card at around 6:30 or so. Then she proceeded to make him breakfast in bed.  Bill didn't want toast so it was fruit on a plate!

She also made a card for Great Grandpa and wanted to send it to him on a balloon.  She is such a thoughtful little girl.

Our Favorite Veteran with his adorable, patriotic, little girl!  

It was a beautiful day so Bill smoked some ribs...which made us all happy!  It was a good day!!! 

I am forever grateful for all the families who have made the ultimate sacrifice and for the families who are trying to get through a deployment.  I remember that the day that made me cry the most when Bill was on deployment wasn't my birthday it was Veteran's day.  So grateful that he is home with us!  

Halloween 2014

THE INCREDIBLES.....AKA....the Nesbitt Family!!  I had a good time making our costumes!  Landon LOVES super heroes right now so we thought this would be fun!  After we got home and ready for bed we were able to give out some candy.  Landon got his PJ's on and they asked if he could put Addi's tights back on!  He wore them the entire day because he had a parade at preschool this morning!  He is such a funny kid!  So I guess the outfit was a hit for Landon!

Linda our next door neighbor and her little puppet that the kids loved!  

 We had a great time trick or treating with Aaron and Abigail!
 Roland had as much fun as the kiddos!  

Washington International Horse Show 2014

October 25-
This is the day that Addison has been talking about for months and months.  She has told everyone from the random cashier to her teacher all about it!  She decided on two friends to bring with...which was hard.  But I didn't know how big it was going to be and how many little girls I could handle!  Bill and Landon went with too.   It was kids day and I wasn't sure what that meant either.  I was scared it would mean huge crowds.  I was pleasantly surprised how well the event was run.  So because it was kids day they got to ride on ponies, groom a pony, learn about the horses at Arlington cemetery, get a free Georgetown Cupcake, paint horseshoes and see the show!
One excited birthday girl!  Showing off her shirt!  I made the girls all matching shirts and bags for their little adventure! 

 What a bunch!  Landon, Abigail, Kate and Addi

 I don't think this smile moved from her face all day!  

 The bags ended up being a good party favor as all of them were FULL by the end of the day!  There were lots of newspapers and magazines to pick up....they didn't mis one of them!  By the end their bags were so heavy they couldn't carry them!  But they have some amazing reading material for quite some time!  It might even compete with the Dover Saddlery catalog that Addi carries around in her backpack!  
 I have to say I was more than a little worried that she was going to be disappointed.  After all, she had been building this event up for a long time.  I just needed a horse to jump over something and I thought she would be happy!  She was amazed when she walked in the arena to see this!  Whew! It all worked out!  I have a happy little camper!  We were really close to the arena too...two rows from the guard rail!  

 Overall, the day was a huge success.  I think the girls all had a great time!  I was more than thankful that Bill was the one driving as every street in DC seemed to be closed.  The Marine Corps Marathon was the next day but still!  It was a little crazy!  

Frozen on Ice

October 24-
We got tickets a million years ago to Frozen on Ice...I didn't think Landon would want to go but in the end someone had an extra ticket so he got to go too.  It was a girl scout trip but no one cared!  It was fun...we were in the nose bleed section but it was still good.  I was glad that we had dinner before and I had snacks with me.  I was amazed the they could charge, and people would pay, $16 for a snow cone.  Truly amazing!

Apple Picking

October 4th-  Addison's request for her birthday weekend was that we go apple picking!  We were happy to oblige!  It was a wonderful day and it was fun to be outside!

Landon thrilled that he gets to play with a big long stick!  
 Bill finding the best apple on the tree! 
 Nana got the best ones!  
 Sometimes you just need a little boost from your big sister!  
 Landon LOVES superheros right now...two of the most beautiful kids EVER! 

 here is some of my awesome family!
 Silly Papa! 
 This girl is beautiful both inside and out! 

 One Happy Nesbitt Family!

After we got home with a whole bunch of apples...we decided to make some apple butter!  It was delish!  Thanks to my mom that could teach me how to seal jars!  It was a lot of fun! 

Addison is 7!

I really don't know how in the world it has been seven years since Addison was born.  She had a pretty awesome surprise....Nana and Papa were waiting for her at the bus stop when she got home...a day before her birthday!  She saw them from the bus window and as she said it "I was the first person off after the kindergartners."  That was a pretty big deal!  I love how excited by kids get to see people they love!  It truly is the people, not things, that make them happy.  We had a great time celebrating the entire week.  Nana and Papa got to have lunch with Addi on her day at school, we went out to dinner, went apple picking on the weekend!  It was a lot of fun family time!

Addison wanted to have her little friends party at the horse show later in October so that is what we will do.

It is impossible to have too many candles on your birthday!! 
French toast will hold candles just fine!
 Papa and Addi at school having lunch (thanks nana for the pics!)

one excited birthday girl!  
 Topping the list of gifts was an American Girl Doll, a bed for her, a notebook and clipboard picked out by Landon, ands the favorite gift...a new pair of high heel boots from Grandma and Grandpa!!

 I love my happy kids that love the Nana and Papa so much!  
I love that my Mom and Dad are so willing to travel the world to see us!  
 More candles!!!

Addison is a sweet, kind, chatty little girl. She loves people and is the official greeting committee of the neighborhood!  She is quite and inquisitive little girl with "Hey Mom, I have a question...." being said a hundred times a day.  She is a great big sister too!! She sets a great example and includes her little brother in most things!  Right now she LOVES horses.  She talks about them, writes about them, draws them and I am sure dreams about them!  She is always drawing or writing stories and never ever leaves home without a notebook and several writing instruments!  She is learning so much at school!  She has a great teacher and loves school.  She talks about how many books Mrs. Prosser reads to them.  Addison is just a happy-go-lucky caring little girl.  I am so fortunate to call her my daughter!  

GO NAVY BEAT Western Kentucky!

September 27-  We went to our first Navy football game!  Well, me and the kiddos did.  It was so much fun!  We went with the Moseman family and we had a blast!  Adam who is one was an amazing little football fan!  Addi and Landon were great too!  It was a really warm day for football but great!  It was a 3:00 game so we met at the Academy had some lunch and they walked to the field.  I love learning things about Academy life.  I feel like I missed out because I didn't know Bill then!  He says that was a good thing?????  I had never REALLY seen tailgating....they certainly know how to do it!  Tents with the logo on was all pretty cool!  We even saw a dog with sunglasses!

Navy lost the game so that was a bummer but it was still fun!  We say the Mids doing push-ups in the end zone when they scored and it was just fun to be a part of it all!  We ran into one of they guys that we knew on was a long but very fun day! Thanks Moseman's for the invite!