Friday, April 12, 2013


Bill and I decided to take a little vacation in transit...not exactly on the way but oh well!  With someone to watch the kiddos we thought now would be better than later!  And we had a bit to celebrate...making it through a crappy year and being married 10 years (it was in October)!!!!  We decided to come back to where it all started!  We are spending a few days in Hawaii!  I forgot what a paradise this is!  It is amazing!  The weather is SO nice.  

We flew in thursday and had a chance to just relax a bit.  Then Friday morning we had morning coffee on the beach and they Bill made me a spa appointment.  I got a wonderful massage, a facial and a manicure!  It was perfect!  Bill is so very thoughtful!  

After lunch at Roys we took a drive to Bill's old stomping ground!  We went to the Kailua is where we were engaged! Afterwards we went to the coffee shop that we had stopped at! It was so much fun! 

M O V I N G.....argh

So the day that I have been dreading for a VERY long time is upon us.  The packers arrived on Friday and were there Monday and Tuesday too.  Then on Wednesday everything got loaded.  It is very strange to see our house empty.  Moving sucks I am glad this is the last time we will have to do it....other than moving back into our house!  Well, that is the hope at least!  I am so glad that we did not sell our house.  If that were the case I would be a mess!  It is way easier to accept that we are just coming back in three years!

The hardest part of moving is saying goodbye to the people you love and are having to leave!  But knowing that I will be coming back in three years makes it not goodbye but a see ya in awhile!  Much better! Thank you so much to all my Omaha friends for making it our home!  Not just somewhere we were stationed!

Landon decided that he had to "help" the packers!  We were very lucky to have three women packing us up!  They were super nice!  We have never had women before! 

 I was afraid that Addi and Landon would get in the way...but they were really good!  It helped that Nana and Papa came early!  

 I am SO very grateful for my parents and their willingness to help us....with EVERYTHING!  They came down a day early because they were worried about the weather.  Who would have thought we would have worry about a blizzard in April??  

Landon sure is a Grandma boy!!

 There is the BIG truck that came to get our stuff!  The crew was great!  Schmitty and his crew worked so hard!  They barely stopped for lunch!  I am positive that our stuff is in good hands!  I am a bit surprised how much crud we have though.  I REALLY need to become a purger! Teach me....please! 
 Landon's  Best Pal stopped over to say goodbye....they decided to clean!  We love you Bo!  


Addison was SO excited that her and Daddy were dressed alike!  She is SO happy to have her Daddy back!  Bill is also excited to be reunited with his mini-me!

We are so happy to have Bill home!  I was actually able to pull off a little surprise welcome home party for him!  I told him that it was a birthday party for Breanna!  It worked!  It was a low key event held at Valentinos!  It was lots of fun!! Thanks everyone for coming to welcome Bill home...i think he really enjoyed it! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013


What a wonderful day to celebrate!  Bill got home today about 12:45 this afternoon.  He was greeted at the airport by Addi, Landon, Me, My Mom, Steph, Trent, Lucas and my wonderful friend Renee (our official family photographer!!!)  It was amazing!  He got in early and called me as I was just turning into the airport.  We got there in time but didn't have as much time to set up like I thought!  It was still a PERFECT reunion to the man of my dreams!  It was so nice that there were others there to share in our joy!  I have never seen Addison and Landon so happy!  Running to meet Bill Landon lost a shoe...he just kept on going saying all the way "my Dad".  Addison just glowed!

 A belated birthday celebration when we got home!!

 Landon thought it was pretty great to wear daddy's hat!

Last Dance Class

We had so much fun at Mary Lorraine's Dance Studio!  We are anxious to come back in three years!  We ended on a visitors day!  So that was fun!!

We have a PRE-K Graduate!!!

It was with a few tears that I attended a graduation ceremony for Addison (April 2).  It is hard to leave people that you like so much!  The Millard Foundation Preschool is AMAZING!  We have loved every second of it and it was really hard to leave!  Addison did a whole lot better than Mommy did!  Addi sure was a proud graduate!  The moment I saw her in the cap and gown I started tearing up!

Last day of Pre-K

Addi's Graduation treat!

 Landon isn't quite sure of school.  For now he was the naughty kid! That NEEDS to change!
 My Little Graduate!
 Is this possible?  The problem is before I know will be from high school!
 Getting her Diploma
 Throwing her cap....Addi wasn't sure about this...since no one else was doing it!

 A special GROUP hug!  So sweet!