Saturday, March 15, 2014

Date with Daddy!

March 15- Tonight Addison had a date with her Daddy!  It was a Father/Daughter Dance through Girl Scouts!  Addi and two of her other friends Hannah and Stephanie decided to get together before and get all dolled up!  They did hair and nails and makeup!  I made some Shirley Temples and it was great! It felt like a mini Prom!  So, when Mary was talking about this dance she said the Trevor, Hannah's Dad, was going black tie!  So that is what I told Bill.  Apparently black tie was quite literal...Hannah wanted him to wear a black tie!  So, Bill was the ONLY Dad in a tux!  I told him it just shows dedication!!!

Mary found some great press on one was going to come after these girls!  They were READY!
 Sweet Friends!

 Seriously they were SO cute! 
 Landon was such a good sport....he just came along and willingly drank a Shirley Temple!  He is such a go with the flow kind of kid!  We are surely lucky!  He and I had a mini date at home.  We snuggled on the couch and watched Jake and the Neverland Pirates! He wanted to play Yathzee too but we ran out of time!
 Dad's and Daughters!
 Little poser! 


Mach 8-
Bill and I were lucky enough to be invited to one of the most important events of the year!  We were invited to celebrate the marriage of Jason and Caroline Israel!  It was incredible!  Jason is one of Bill's friends from the Academy and one of the most amazing people we know!  I met Jason when he was our sponsor as we arrived in Naples.  There was no doubt that I was apprehensive about living in a foreign country...Jason helped so much!  As I spent the entire day in tears the day we flew out in the midst we get a call from Jason saying how excited he was for us to get there!  It was exactly what I needed! He is certainly a person that makes you feel like a better person somehow just by knowing him!

Anyway, we left the all dressed was black tie....and headed to Baltimore!  We drove through a few sketchy neighborhoods but the downtown area was really neat!  The reception was held in a library!  It was SO enchanting!  There were appetizers and drinks in the reception hall then we went into the library.....Bill walked in and stated "this may be unmanly of me but it feels like Beauty and the Beast." But he was totally right!  It was floor to ceiling books with an amazing ball room at the bottom! It was incredible to catch up with friends we hadn't seen in a long time!  Fun to learn about their kids and what they have been doing!
This picture, any picture, couldn't do this place justice!  It was AMAZING!
 Me and Bill (yeah I didn't forget to get a picture of us!)
 Of course the Glee Club had a little reunion....and they sounded fantastic! 

Spelling Tests!

So we have one smart cookie at our house....well, actually there are three of them!  But, Addison has been doing so great in school!  She is really enjoying reading and has worked hard on her words.  So, there was a list of 100 sight words that she was supposed to have done before Kindergarten was complete.  After that list she would move on to spelling all of those words.  Well, she has completed both tasks!  We are so proud of her!  We celebrated when she was done with all her spelling words because now she moves on to the first grade words!  Landon and I made her a special sign, got her flowers and bought special cookies for when she came home!


Monday, March 3, 2014


Feb 27- My best good friend is in town!  Casie had to come to D.C. for a conference and we got to have a day to spend together!  WOOHOO!!  Bill didn't feel good so he stayed home and agreed to be on kid duty too...which was SO nice of him!  I am so thankful for a great husband!  So that meant that Casie and I had the entire day together....kid free!  We have never before gotten it was a great treat!  We started out going to a Vegan Restaurant somewhere in D.C. Once we got in the city traffic wasn't too bad! After a long relaxing lunch I decided that Casie had to experience LUSH.  So, we found ourselves in Georgetown checking out some of the shops including Lush.  Then it was on to coffee/tea from a fun little place called Baked and Wired!  The cupcakes were delish!  Then we headed back to Casie's hotel and walked to a little Tapas place for a little light dinner before she had to go and do conference stuff.   It was an AWESOME day with one of my favorite people!  I am so thankful for good friends that make me strive to be a better person!  LOVE YOU Casie!!  (Casie took much better pictures...check out her blog for more info!!)

Daisy Scouts

Addison has decided to become a Daisy Scout!  It is a bit late in the year but when she was asked early on she didn't want to.  She found out that a lot of her friends were in it and wanted to join!  It has been fun so far!  She has gotten to participate in a Thinking Day event where they learned about Japan, a field trip to the Hidden Pond Nature Center and a Dance and Cheer clinic at GMU.  Addi has really enjoyed it so far!
The girls were instructed that they needed to create an animal with 5 craft supplies and three supplies from outside.  This is what Addi came up with....a Turkey!

 Everyone had to present to the group their animal.

 They went on a hike too!
 Pet a turtle
 GMU game!

 Addi and her best pal....Hannah!!

100 Days of School!

FINALLY we hit the 100 day mark! With all the snow days we weren't sure when it was going to happen!

Addi had a fun day at school making a necklace and having a fun snack!

Grandma's Visit

Feb 18-25- We were lucky enough to have Grandma come and visit this week! We didn't do much out of the ordinary.  Grandma was able to have lunch with Addi at school, bring Landon to school, meet the "National Panda" and the new cub Bao Bao,  go to a Daisy event at the Hidden Pond Nature Center and just hang out! We loved having her here!

 Grandma did a bit of sewing that Mommy has not gotten to!  She even made some headbands that Landon is modeling!