Thursday, September 29, 2011

Anniversary Celebration....a bit early!

Sept 16- For our Anniversary Bill and I decided back in April that we were going to go and see Jersey Boys. My parents willingly came down and stayed with the kids while we had dinner at Dixie Quicks and went to the show. The restaurant was really good. It was featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives on the food network. It surely could be considered a dive. If we hadn't gotten a recommendation for the place I am not so sure we would have gone there. The food was really good and the people that worked there were really nice. Well, if you don't mind be called "love" by a guy! I was willing to overlook it because the food was good!

Then onto Jersey Boys.......AMAZING. That is all I can say! If you haven't seen it you should. The guy that played Frankie Valli was truly amazing. I had to remind myself that I wasn't listening to a recording. I think this might be at the top of our list for favorite shows. Lion King still takes the cake I think....but it is almost in a different category. Great show with a terrific husband! I can not believe that we are soon celebrating 9 years of being married. Where does time go? And am I really that old? Yikes!

Mommy Addi Date

So today there was a craft fair at one of the area churches that a couple of ladies from my stamp group were going to be at. Addison and I decided to check it out. A couple of weeks ago Addison got to have a date with Daddy they went to see the Lion King in it was my turn for a little fun time with my little girl. We had a great morning and she even got to pick out a treat at the bake sale! Here is my cute little girl!

Addi had to bring a purse and in it of course was a notebook and a pen (she is mine after all!!) So while we were walking through the craft fair here Addison has her little notebook out and is writing a list so she says! She just cracks me up!

Iron Baby Training....

So I think Landon is starting a new training program for the Iron Baby competition. We have a little picnic table that Addi likes to sit at to do projects and such. Addison was sitting on the bench and Landon was pushing her across the room. Insane! Landon is crazy strong! He must take after Daddy!!


So after church we had to stop at Sams to pick up a few things. Well Addison and Bill decided to surprise me with flowers....that Addison picked out. They were purple...her favorite color....when we got home and she gave them to me I of course was thrilled. I am pretty sure they were filler but they were beautiful to Addison and therefore to me too! She is a very thoughtful little girl (they have lasted forever!!!!)

September 11 Memorial

Tonight Addison, Harriet and I went to Bill's Sing Omaha concert. It was a September 11th memorial. It was great! We had a great time. Addison and I both love seeing Bill sing. And of course he got to get all spiffed up in his tux! I am a very lucky woman!!!

Play time with Daddy...

We have been trying to get Landon to use his signs and he is SO stubborn. I am quite certain he knows exactly what we want him to do....he will just do it on his own time. Today (Sept 9) as we were getting ready to have Harriet and her boss (a 2-star Admiral) to dinner Landon used his signs like crazy. He and Bill were wrestling around and Bill stopped....he looked at Landon and he was doing the sign for please. He is such a funny boy who loves play rough with Daddy!

Our little helper!

Harriet and my kiddos....we had a great...although quick visit with Harriet and Lillian. I do wish they had more time in Omaha!

Some...okay A LOT of catch up!

So the weekend after Labor Day our friend Harriet was stopping in for a visit. She was coming for work so she didn't bring the whole family...just the newest addition, Lillian. She was arriving late so I was getting the kids ready for bed. Landon was all clean and in his pj's. I ran down stairs to get some milk, came up to find him back in the bath tub with Addison. Talk about no progress made....oh well! He is a busy funny little boy who loves to be with his sister.....even in the bathtub after he is all dry!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Watch out some more....

Landon is walking....he is taking a few steps at once now. One morning (Sept 8) we were playing in his room in the morning and he really wanted to get to he walked. He took about 6 steps or so before he realized it and fell down. He is now climbing the steps like a champ. He goes up great...back down...not so much. We are working on going down on his tummy to try and avoid as much injury as possible.

Labor Day Weekend

I am a little out of order. I have had the photos waiting to be put on the blog and I have just been slow. I guess we are still trying to find our routine. We have had a busy couple of weeks! Here are some fun pictures of Labor Day weekend. We went to Minnesota because a friend of mine, Kristina, from high school was getting married. It was a bit of a reunion. While we were there we pulled the bug out of storage. It got a bit of a tune-up and both Bill and I tried driving it. We didn't do too bad. My Dad was a great coach! Addison and Landon loved playing in it!

One of Steph's friends from high school stopped over and she had a little girl about Addi's age...they had a great time playing!
Landon loving the VW

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1st Day of School

Today was Addison's first day of preschool...round two. We would have done pre-k but with the way things are set up she would have to wait another year to go to kindergarten so we just decided to do Mrs. Ziemba's class again. Addi was so excited that Daddy was going to go with her today. She came in and asked him while he was still half asleep. Addison was so excited and I think she had a bit more confidence going into it knowing she knew what was going to happen. On the way to school I asked her what she was most looking forward to about this year and she said, "Learning Numbers". That is the first time that I have had that response.

When I picked her up she was very excited and was willing to tell me about her day! She got to be the pet leader today and got to feed the new hamster named Smokey (I think). She was also telling Landon the Pledge of Allegiance at lunch today. Her favorite part about the day was Mrs. Ziemba "she is a nice lady mom" She even had to make Mrs Ziemba a card for the first day of school. I LOVE my little thoughtful girl!

We had a busy day filled with a hair cut and her first day of dance!

"Mom this is how kid models pose"

What? Two kids looking at was a quick picture before Addi's haircut! Ahhh I wish I would have taken more time to get the light right!! Oh well they are still cute!