Friday, March 19, 2010

IT'S A..............

BOY!!! We are so excited! Today we found out that we are going to have a son! The ultrasound went well and the tech said that everything looked "normal". Of course she couldn't guarantee anything but we were happy to hear that structurally everything looked sound. It is truly amazing what you can see! We saw his tiny little heart beating and fluids being transfered through the umbilical cord and there was no doubt that he had boy parts!

We are very very excited! Addi was a super little girl! She was excited to see the baby on the tv! She still refers to her baby brother as "she" but we will work on that!!

We are so excited to share our news!

Indiana Trip!

We recently made a long car trip to Bill's parents, unfortunately it was because Bill's Grandmother passed away. But despite the horrible reason for the trip it was great to see Bill's family. Bill's parents had not seen Addison since she was 3 months old. So they were very excited to see her. Addison LOVED seeing her Grandma and Grandpa. They of course spoiled her like crazy! She is still carrying around the dog that they gave her. We also got to see Bill's brothers and his sister too. It is the first time everyone has been together since 2004.

Addison was such a trooper in the car. I never would have imagined that she would be that good. She watched movies, colored, read books and talked to her baby. At one point we saw some cows. She started mooing and then said "Mooooo....I want some fooooood." It made us laugh!

Overall, it was a great trip and the drive really wasn't too bad. It went by fairly fast. We will have to do it again soon!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Did You Know.....

Yesterday Addison and I were talking about the Easter bunny coming to our house for a visit. I asked her what she wanted the Easter Bunny to bring. After thinking about it for a minute....she said "Pancakes". I bet you didn't know that Easter Bunnies can bring pancakes! Good thing I asked that isn't one that I would have guessed!! I thought it was kinda funny!

Hope you are all having an enjoyable weekend. Bill is at a rehearsal for his concert and Addi is sleeping...wooohoo...she got up WAY too early today!! So I have a quiet house...what to do....probably clean..yuck!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Finally up to date!!

The blog had not been up to date in awhile! Here are the pictures we took this morning at our fun YMCA class.

I REALLY thought winter was OVER! We came back after being gone for the weekend to nearly no snow on the ground. Well this morning the ground was once again covered. ENOUGH ALREADY!! It was super wet snow so it won't stick around but still.

So we were getting out of the car at the Y and I called Addison "honey". Well she looked at me and told me "I am Addi, call me Addi." She just makes me laugh. Lately her vocabulary is just crazy. She loves to talk...ALL THE TIME...and normally in the middle of some monologue she erupts into song. She is her Daddy's girl!

We are getting really really excited for next week...our big ultrasound is next thursday...Bill's birthday!! He will hopefully get a pretty memorable birthday present and I haven't even given him the other ones! I am really really bad at waiting!!!

Library Fun with DADDY!!

Bill was off today and able to come with us to the Library! Addison was just into it! She had so much fun. She was singing and jumping around. She was pretty proud that Daddy was there. The stories and craft today was about Frogs. Sophie and Addi had a lot of fun with their "sticky tongues".

Addison was just funny all day. We went to Dicks sporting goods and she wouldn't stop talking to the sales girl. She had to be picked up. She has just been chatty. I think today is one of those days that Bill and I realized that we are going to have problems come 13 or so.....EVERYONE all day kept telling us how cute they thought she was. Some of our library friends, the sales people at the sporting good store, our waitress at was just funny. We think she is cute...but I guess other people do too! We just smile and say thank you!!

We are very lucky to have a beautiful little girl! And most of the time she is pretty polite too so that helps to make her cute as well!!! We sure do love her!!

More Wiggles and Squiggles

Last weeks Wiggles and Squiggles class was lots of fun. Addison decided to RUN!! She and Sophie just ran around the gym chasing each other. It is a fun class with time to play and time to sit still and listen to stories. A good balance and great practice for this fall!!!

This is Addi in her "special coat" as she calls it. It is a coat that Bill and I picked out for her in Virginia Beach. I never dreamed it would get the attention that it does. In the Doctor's office you would have thought a celebrity walked in...there were ladies coming out of everywhere to check out Addi's coat.

Play time and craft time...

Getting Ready for SPRING!!

Last week Addison and I planted some grass seed in a pot to get ready for spring. We thought it would be a great place to put a few Easter eggs!!!

Addi had a great time. It is so fun to watch her do things. And then for her to tell you all about it...Bill sure gets a whole lotta chatter when he comes home!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Doctor Appointment!

So we had a Dr appointment yesterday. Bill took time off work to come with and everything. I totally thought that we would get an ultrasound and maybe find out what we were having. No such luck. But when the PA went to check the baby's heart rate Addison, who was sitting on Bill's lap, asked "Daddy where did the TV go?" She like us, really wanted to see the baby. It is just funny that she understands all that is going on! She was talking about the baby and looking forward to playing with the baby. She was talking about how she was going to share her toys and read books to the baby. I think she is going to be a great big sister!! She is a sweetie!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Classes!

Last week we started a couple of new classes at the YMCA! One of them is called Wiggles and Squiggles and the other Marvelous Messes! When we got there we learned that on Friday the Wiggles class only does the bounce house. Well, for Addi that was more than a little overwhelming. And there were bigger kids there too so she wasn't sure. When she could just bounce by herself she seemed to have fun but she wasn't so sure about the slide and all that. Sophie did awesome! She is a pro! The lady in charge said it was no problem to join the gymnastics class for the day. The girls LOVED it! It was such a cute class. I am hoping to be able to put Addi in that one in the future! She really warmed up quick and liked all the tumbling and balance beam stuff.


Gymnastics Time....

Time to get Messy....

After we had Marvelous Messes! We started out playing with shaving creme and then did three projects with an Olympic theme. It was a really neat class and very well thought out! Addi got to paint rings, a medal and make her own flag. I think she had a good time! We are excited for next week!!!