Monday, December 23, 2013


Our elf arrived at our house after really is so much fun!!!

 SNOW DAYS....we were hit with a couple of snow you can see the accumulation is pretty crazy!  It was pretty icy and we even had to cancel our trip to Annapolis for Handel's Messiah.  BUMMER but it was better than risking an accident!   Bill even had one day off of work and that was more for ice than snow! Bill and Landon built a really cute snowman...the snow was perfect!  
 Llama teeth...Bill showed the kids a picture of a llama and told them they would have teeth like that if they drank it is the thing at our house....llama teeth!

Deck the Halls

It was REALLY difficult not being in Omaha for the holidays!  I really did get used to, and look forward to decorating our house!  Not that I wasn't excited about decorating our house is just a bit more challenging as it is A LOT smaller!  But, after an excursion to buy a new tree...our fake one wouldn't fit in most houses so we left it in storage.....we found a surely-will-do smaller tree for $2.50 at goodwill.  Addison and Landon had so much fun decorating this year.  That was very fun for me to see!  They put the ornaments on the tree and talked about them and wanted to hear the stories!  It was really special!  Christmas is about seeing what you have been blessed with and embrace it!  Small house or isn't what is really important!

Thankful Thanksgiving!

We were lucky enough to have great friends to spend Thanksgiving with!  The Nelson family with a lengthy commute (the next court over) joined us!  We had a wonderful day filled with good food, good conversation and lots of fun!  We even played Apples to Apples!  It was a great relaxing day with great friends!  Oh and DELICIOUS mushrooms!

Addison and Hannah

 One of the placemats Addison made

Backyard Friends!

Nov 20-
This morning I woke up, glanced out the windows and saw this huge buck looking back at me.  I of course ran to show Addi and Landon.  They thought it was the coolest thing ever!  We were watching him for awhile before we noticed there was another female deer laying down closer to the fence!  The really didn't seem to care that we saw them and were taking pictures of them!  After awhile the buck decided to lay down...they then left!  Having to jump the fence too!  It was the excitement of the week for Addison and Landon!

Thanksgiving Luncheon at Laurel Ridge

We were able to join Addison on Veterans Day by having lunch with her!  We were able to dine with the Nelson Family!  It was lots of fun!  The students had worked hard to make place mats.  I got to help too with my PTA group!!

 Addison decorated stars for her Dad and Great Grandpa to add to the wall!  It was really neat!

Fall Photo Shoot

Last Day of Soccer, More Cousin Fun!!!

DC Sightseeing with Lucas!!!