Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What A Week!!

My Birthday was fantastic! Thanks for all the happy wishes! It was quite a week for me. On Sunday I finished a 14 mile run. The furthest this body has ever gone! I was quite excited to have finished it the same week I turned 30! So that is my big news!

It is insane that the summer is coming to a close and in only four short months we will be on a plane back to the USA!! We are taking this weekend to travel to Spain. We are going to Barcelona! Hopefully Addison is a good that she is mobile she has a mind of her own!

Overall, we are doing well. Excited for the weather to get cooler and very excited for our vistors in October and November!

We just wanted to drop a line before we jet away for the weekend! Happy Memorial Day!!!

Lotsa Love,
The Nesbitt trio + Sidney

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jenni's 30th!

The Big One! Jenni and Addison and I went to Jenni's (second?) favorite place on earth - Tuscany- for her 30th Birthday and spent some time at an "agriturismo" vineyard called Verazzano (the same family that the Bridge in NYC is named after). We spent the night in the farmhouse and did a tour and had lunch in the castle and tasted a few great wines. We all had a great time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Addison in Action!!

Addison is learning so many things so fast! She LOVES Sidney as you can tell. She is learning to wave and clap. She is so much fun. It has been really really hot here so we have been hanging out at the pool and trying to keep cool. It has been very challenging to run. I have to get up and run super early! I am feeling much better...I had a slight injury so I couldn't run for a couple of weeks. I am back on the training road to Athens! I hope the video works...this is our first time trying to load a video! Lotsa Love from the Nesbitt's!!!