Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! We were lucky enough to spend Easter in Willmar with Nana and Papa and Auntie and Uncle T. It was a bit on the chilly side but it was a good trip. Addison was really excited about finding Easter Eggs this year. She was all excited that there was a purple (her favorite color) egg under her bed. Landon of course was happy when he found a basket to knock over. He is on the move. He has been pulling himself on things now. He will get to his knees and not know what to do from there....yet! His little seal-like crawl gets him places super fast.

Mommy's Little Bunny
I took pictures last week of the kiddos...thanks Auntie Pat for the cute outfit! It was nearly impossible to get Landon to sit still. Addison on the other hand is all excited to pose! She is such a funny girl!

Last week we had an Easter Egg hunt for my MOPS group. Landon thought the grass was most interesting. Addison wasn't too sure what to do. She got her allowed 10 eggs and that was good. She got three Reese Peanut Butter eggs which would be great for most people...but she HATES peanut butter. So, she gave them to her friend Susie. Since it was too cold for a picnic at the park we had a carpet picnic at home with Susie and Maria.

Our new little trick...Landon will pull himself up in his crib to his knees and then not know what to do and start crying. He thinks that the chairs are lots of fun!!

Landon at 8 months

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Auntie!!

This week Auntie and Uncle T came to visit and we got to celebrate Stephs birthday! Happy 29th Little Sis! That is just crazy and makes me feel OLD! But we had a great relaxing weekend.

I went upstairs to do something and came back to find my sleepy little man.....

Addi got to wait up for Auntie and was SO excited...

Landon thought he was a hot shot pulling himself up on the chair. We are going to be in TROUBLE when this busy little boy really gets movin. He is still just being a seal for now.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Mommies Little Star

I am a very lucky girl! I get to be this adorable little man's Godmother! I am so excited...it is such an honor little Ronan!
(He is all ready to watch football with me....Go Vikings? I don't think I will get away with that in Huskers country!)

Spring Break

So I am WAY behind on my updates but time just gets away from me. Addi had spring break the first week in April. There were a couple of nice days.

Making our own chalk

One of Addi's many many colorful outfits!

We were excited to prepare to celebrate Grandma's birthday with her. Nana and Papa rode to Omaha with Auntie Brenda and Uncle Jim. They came to visit Jim's brother but we got to see them too! It was lots of fun. We hope that Nana had a good birthday weekend! Thanks to Bill and my Dad we got our fence fixed too. The winter and the Nebraska wind wasn't too kind to it but it is in tip top shape now! Thanks for all your hard work Dad and Bill!

Making Grandma's cake...there was lots of love put into this one! Both Addi and Landon "helped". It was a fun cake to make. It was a new recipe from foodnetwork....I don't sift flower for just anyone...Happy Birthday Mom!

Auntie Brenda and Landon

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nice Weather...finally!

Yeah for a nice day. We got to go to the park today....

Daddy and Addi flying a kite at the park...the wind wasn't very cooperative.

NEW DEVELOPMENT...Landon just decided, last saturday (March 27 - 7 almost 8 moths old), that he was no longer going to breast feed. This is the same kid who would not take a bottle from anyone. He will take the pumped milk in a bottle or sippy cup but wants nothing with actually breast feeding. I suppose I should be thankful that the weaning process has been so easy. It was the same way but not quite as abrupt with Addison. So strange.... It is easier in someways but pumping takes forever!

Landon fighting off the Momarrazi!

Kite Flying Time....Round 2

Today was a great family day. We had a little picnic at the park and tried to fly the kite but the wind wasn't so great. We came home, the kiddos had naps, we got a little cleaning done, hung some pictures then the kiddos were up. But the wind had picked up too...so Daddy and Addi were able to fly the kite in the front yard. Bill melts daily with the things that Addison says....

Waiting for the wind to cooperate...

Trying to inspire the wind...

"Daddy you have to hold onto me."

(Bill totally melted!!)

Photo Class

So, I have been taking a photo class...it is just a one credit class at a community college but I have learned a ton about how to use my camera. Now I need a lighting class. Lighting is tricky. I like to play around taking pictures...it is nice to be able to catch the kiddos in a good mood. We took a little trip to the park on saturday while Daddy waited at home for the water heater to be replaced (arr the joys of home ownership!!)

So this picture of Landon isn't great, I was trying to do my assignment that had to do with zoom and composition...but his little grin made me laugh.