Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So on thursday we got lots of a lot of surprises......Bill came home early (he was supposed to work late) and my Mom and Dad showed up! It made for a great weekend. We were going to install a new door but it ended up we ordered the wrong size....once we got that all taken care of...we decided to paint the kitchen. Thanks to my Dad and Bill for taking care of that! It looks great! It isn't' a drastic change but it looks great!

Addi "helping" Papa

Landon and Papa

Landon and Nana

Addi and Papa riding the ferris wheel at Scheels. Thankfully Papa would go cause Mommy surely didn't want to!!

Like Mommy like Son....

I couldn't help but LOVE this photo op the other day at coffee...that is MY boy!! As a side note....it was empty! I am not THAT bad of a mommy!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Bill!!!

It is Bill's Birthday today! Happy Birthday to the person who makes my life complete and does so much for our family! We Love You Bill!

So, Bill has been doing this low-carb diet for awhile now and at work he eats A LOT of chicken...well, Neal, one of Bill's co-workers is an amazing cake maker and made Bill this cake for his birthday! I think we have our own master cake maker right here in Omaha! Thanks Neal and Cami for making Bill's day so special!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yeah for warm weather!!

We are happy to report that Omaha has gotten over 70 degrees! Yipee! Today, St. Patricks Day, we celebrated with some pizza at the park with some friends. It was great for Addi to run around and Landon of course loves being outside.

Addi having fun on the swing...

Landon's first time on the swing....it was so funny to watch him. He loves the breeze in his face...I have already told him he can not have a motorcycle.

I just had to laugh when I saw this picture....he is such a giggly little boy!

Friday, March 11, 2011

On the go?

Landon has been working very hard on crawling. He has is own method of transportation figured out which is part army crawl and part rolling. He has been trying to get up on all fours and when he does he usually face plants. But he is doing better.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Per Grandma's Request...

Grandma didn't think she could see Landon's hair cut well enough...so Bill snapped a couple of pictures! Landon is such a cutie! I guess he is going to be a stamper too!!

Landon's 1st Haircut!

Daddy took the day off today so we were busy running errands and decided that we would make Landon's first haircut one of our to do's today. He was so good. The place we went Family Fun Cuts was really cute. They had all kinds of neat chairs for the kids to sit in and Addi had a great time watching Mickey Mouse.

Landon looks so old now....it is so crazy!!

Snip Snip Snip

It is crazy all the hair they cut off. There was a huge pile on the floor and more on me!

Daddy and his cute little boy!

Big Sister relaxing while Landon got his hair cut!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Landon is 7 months old!!

I can not believe that Landon is 7 months old today. It is really exciting that he is getting more active. I may regret having said that come next month! He is so full of life and laughter. Some of Landon's favorite things right now....

1. His sister- Addison is still topping his list! Landon watches her every move and I think he likes seeing her hair bounce all over, he listens to her too he will twist all around looking for her once he hears her voice.

2. Toys- everything and I mean EVERYTHING goes in Landon's mouth. I don't remember that being the case with Addison. Sure a few things but not everything. Landon got some teething rings from Nana & Papa for Valentines Day and they are the kind that can go in the fridge. Addison is so proud of herself when she gathers them up and puts them in the fridge and then later goes and gets them for Landon. They were probably in there for 45 seconds but she give them back and feels so helpful.

3. Being rough, tossed and tickled, which leads to oodles of giggles. I really don't think there is a better sound in all the world than your child laughing and it is even better when they laugh at each other.

So we had a fun little photo shoot today at coffee. Casie is recovering from her c-section so her house is our new coffee shop. Tuesday and today we took breakfast goodies to her. It was lots of fun. We played around and took photos of baby Ronan...he is SO cute and very cooperative too for having three mommies manipulating him. Well, today with it being Landon's 7 month birthday we took his photos too. Renee made the ADORABLE hat...she is so good! Here are the results!

Worth the mess?


So Landon normally gets solid food before bed so he can sleep through the night. Lately we have been thinking that maybe he needs some at lunch too. Well today was the first day that I remembered and of course I had a big sister ready to help. I wasn't sure at first but thought I would let her try feeding Landon. She was actually pretty good at it. Addi was so excited. She went and got the spoon and was all ready. She was gentle and was pretty tolerable when he was sticking his hands or bib in his mouth. Now had I really been thinking I would have taken his clothes off..but a few stains are surely worth what I got to see.

I Love my kids and I LOVE that they love each other!

New Car Seats!

I had to give up the baby carrier. Even though it felt like my arm was going to fall off it was so much easier than having to move Landon into a stroller. Now we need to either take the stroller in places or have him sit in the cart. Addison loves her new car seat and I think Landon does too. Landon can finally see stuff I think. And Addison likes keeping tabs on what Landon is doing. "Mom Landon is snoozing" We tried a cart the other day at Costco (I had to take a picture with my phone and it wasn't great). They both seemed to love it. But the carts there are big enough for both of them across. I am not sure how it is going to work when only one of them fits! We might see a jealous sister come out.

Question...what happens when Landon's legs get too long and he isn't a year yet? Do you move it to forward facing? Geez this car seat stuff is confusing! With Addi she was in the carrier until she was forward facing in the big one.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Trick!

Landon has mastered sitting up! Here is when he was first figuring it out....he was hanging out with Daddy watching the news

Now he has really got it all figured out. He has started trying to get up on his hands and knees together and he did it a couple of times (Feb 24). But lucky for mommy he hasn't figured it out just yet. He still chooses to roll all around looking to be as close as he can to his sister.

Landon loves to rock on his tummy! He is just so much more active and rough than Addison ever was. Must be the difference between our cautious little girl and our rough boy!

Thanks Auntie Pat for the cute outfit!

Another milestone.....I felt Landon's first tooth pop through it is the bottom right one.

100 Days of School

February 24th was the day that Addison and her class celebrated 100 days of school. Each student had to bring 100 of something and they even counted to 100! Pretty exciting stuff!

New Little Neighbor!

Our new little neighbor arrived safely on February 22 at 1:15! Welcome to the world Ronan Patrick!

He is so tiny and adorable. We went up to the hospital to see Casie and see the cute little guy last Wednesday. Mom and baby are home and doing well. We had a little amateur photo shoot today when we went to have coffee. They turned out pretty well.