Monday, December 28, 2009

One Snowy Christmas!

We left Omaha on Tuesday anticipating this BIG storm. We thankfully got to MN without any problems. Steph and Trent finally made it to Willmar Christmas Morning. We are so thankful that they got there safe...even though the roads were pretty bad. THANKS UNCLE TRENT for driving so careful!!!

We had a good time opening presents and spending time together. My Dad had been out plowing snow so he was pretty tired but we still had fun. Addison was surprised by Santa Nana and Papa with a Horsey! She had been asking for this horse since we saw it! She wasn't as excited as we thought she was going to be but she did love it. She has taken to feeding it and loving it! Addison really wasn't too interested in opening presents. She was more concerned about helping everyone else. And of course playing with whatever new toy she had opened. So it took a lot long than normal but it was fun to watch Addison.

We left on Sunday by about noon. We are sorry we missed everyone Sunday afternoon but we were glad to have left when we did to have a bit of daylight to drive in. Our trip as far as Worthington, which normally takes 2 hours took 3! Hwy 71 was not good at all. But once we got to Hwy 60 and down to I-29 it was smooth sailing.

Omaha got A LOT of snow! We were worried about even getting in our driveway! We have ANGELS for neighbors and there was no snow at all in the driveway or on the sidewalk!! Thanks Vernon!!!!! We appreciate it SO MUCH!!!

Now we are home again and just relaxing. Bill has to go to work this week but Addison and I are going to clean and reorganize new toys!

We hope that everyone got to where they needed to go for the holidays safely! We had a wonderful Christmas and were blessed by many friends and family!

Lotsa Love from Omaha!!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas from the Nesbitt's! We made it to MN safe and sound. The weather is certainly been a challenge. My sister and Trent made it to Willmar this morning on pretty yucky roads. We are thankful that they made it and are excited to celebrate Christmas.

We will have some new pictures up sometime today! We hope you all have a very Happy and Safe Holiday!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fun Christmas Projects

Addison loves to paint! She had a great time painting ornaments. I think she could have done it all day long. Of course they were all the same color but they are still adorable.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Just Like Daddy....

Addison and Daddy had a fun time on Saturday watching the Army vs Navy game. Nana made Addison her very own Cheerleading outfit! It is CRAZY CUTE! And of course Addi look adorable in it! Navy won!! YEAH!!

Oh Christmas Tree....

So we decided to take a few pictures by the Christmas tree today since Addi was look quite festive. She had fun posing (cheesy smile and all)!

It is hard to get a smile out of Addison and catch it. So I was feeling quite accomplished! I hope you holiday preparation has been fun and relaxing!

Enjoy the Pictures!!

Our Funny Girl!!

So Addison was playing this morning and she came to me and said "look mommy I have a little purse". Well, it ends up that it was some dental floss that she had pulled out of the container and made a handle. No lack of imagination here!!

Fun with Sophie and Vollen

Sophie and Vollen came over for awhile to play last week! We had a great time! Addi and Sophie are so fun to watch together. They had a great time playing and sharing!

Vollen has one great smile!!

Two peas in a pod

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Let It Snow.......

We are pretty much snowed in! The base got closed (along with everything else) today. We have probably about 7 inches of snow and it is supposed to be starting to blow around tonight causing blizzard like conditions! I am glad we don't have anywhere to go! Bill was supposed to sing in a Star Wars concert and was on the way but turned around cause the roads were yucky.

Addison had fun in the snow today. At first she wanted me to hold her..but once she figured out how to walk in her boots than she was okay with it. She had fun trying to do exactly what Daddy was doing! Enjoy the pictures...and we hope you don't get snowed in!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Addison got to visit Santa today at the mall. She wasn't scared at all. I thought she might be. She wasn't. She crawled up in his lap and started chatting away. She was more interested in telling him that Sidney was home in his kennel than what she wanted for Christmas...but that's okay. This santa was sweet and was the real thing I am pretty sure!!! (no creepy guy in a costume!!)

Sing Omaha Concert!

Last night we were able to go hear Bill sing in a choir concert. He recently joined the Sing Omaha Choir. He has had fun with it I think. There are a few choirs that make up the group and together they put on a great show last night. It started to snow right before the concert. A perfect introduction to the Christmas season! Addison was just in awe. She loved watching the kids sing and was so excited when she found her Daddy. After the concert Addison thanked Bill for the beautiful 'nuket' (music). She was so sweet....and it wasn't prompted at all.

I LOVE hearing Bill sing so it was certainly a treat! Thanks Baby!!

Thanks to the Schlueters for joining us!!! My Mom loved holding I sense a little jealousy???

Future Cheerleader!!

Addison is going to be a future Naval Academy Cheerleader like Daddy!! Nana an Great Grandma made Addison her very own Naval Academy Cheer leading outfit! She was pretty darn cute in it! It is just in time for the Army Navy Game!!!

Go Navy Beat Army!!


Our Adorable Cheerleader!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Deck the Halls.......

YEAH!!! It is time to make our house festive! I LOVE decorating for is even better in OUR house. I have found my partner. We decorated the tree all together last night. Addison was so excited. She was talking about it all day long. "I decorate the tree?" I guess in our excitement we forgot to clean dinner off her face! Oops! So we have a messy little elf! She had so much fun hanging up the ornaments. And she was so careful and did such a good job. It was a lot of fun. At one point in the afternoon she was even singing jingle bells. So I think I have found my elf in training!!

Addison spent some time decorating her special tree for her room too!

The Mighty Hunters

Bill, Trent and my Dad had a fun time hunting phesants. Trent and my Dad had gone out one afternoon without Bill and had gotten one. So Addison got to see the feathers. She was way impressed. So they were getting all dressed in their orange and she told Uncle Trent, "More feathers Uncle Trent". It didn't work...but I think they still had a fun time especially since the weather has been so nice!

So much to be thankful for....

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in MN! I am so glad that travel was easy and safe! We have so much to be thankful for this year! There is nothing like being able to spend time with family.

Addison got to show off her turkey hat that she made. The library sent home a fun little kit that we were able to put together! She is quite the little turkey! She had a fun time at Nana and Papa's playing toys!

Our Little Turkey....

Playing Drums with Papa

Laughing with Nana

We hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!

All Our Love!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mommy's Little Helper!

Addison LOVES to help! Especially in the kitchen. She loves to wear her apron and hat from Nonna Nancy and Nonno Chris!! Tonight she insisted on wearing the hat while we made quiche. It is so funny to watch her.

It seems like just in the last week she has learned so much. Bill or I will help her with something and she will say "Thanks". It used to be thank you. Today she was playing with her stroller and she told me that she had to go to Walgreens. It isn't like we go there a lot. She just listens to everything and it normally comes back in the right context. She is truly amazing!


YEAH!! A way to get energy out even when it is cold!!! Casie works at Boys Town and there is a great field house there that she can use! It is SO nice! And it was SO nice of her to invite Addi and I along! We went on Tuesday and the girls ran around, Addison tried to ride Sophie's bike. Sophie is a pro!!

Addi trying really hard to do what Sophie does! But instead she just jumped around!!

Thanks guys for the fun time!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


I have been SUPER bad about updating this lately! My camera broke (the little one) then I thought it was fixed but it isn't. I took it in again today and they thought there was a short in it....and not worth fixing! Arrr! So I was waiting to get the photos off that camera, but the card was somehow erased. Oh happy day! We are good. Addi is fighting off a bit of a cold and thought it was a great idea to get up at 5 this morning!! She is sound asleep now and I hope it stays that way until 8 or so!

Overall, we are doing well. I am getting SO excited to decorate our house!!! Yipeeeeeee!!!! We have a new tree to put up and everything (I don't like the messy ones...I'll burn a candle to get the scent!) I asked Bill if I could start but he said it was too early. But not to wrap Addison's advent gifts. I took all our Christmas books, CD's and movies and wrapped them up. So each day Addi will get to open one of those. They are all thing we already had but it is a fun way to read a new book every day and spend some time together! I read this idea long before we thought about having kids and couldn't wait to do it! Here is my chance!!

Anyway, we hope that you all are getting ready for Thanksgiving and find that you have a lot to be thankful for. I know that I do!

Love Always,

Jen, Bill and Addi

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treating!

Addison had a wonderful time tonight with Sophie! They are the cutest little friends ever! They were holding hands, playing follow the leader and having their own little conversations! We went to a few houses in our neighborhood and then went to Casie's parents house. Her Dad is a photographer and takes pictures of all the trick or treaters! It is so awesome! Then he sends out the picture to the kids that are in it! How nice is that! ONLY in the midwest!

Addison and Sophie had the whole trick or treating thing down! They were so cute holding hands and saying 'trick or treat'. They were so good about saying thank you too!

Picking up the trees!

So it was finally a nice day so we went out to rake leaves...but right before we went out Addison said, "we are going to pick up the trees!" I just thought it was funny! She had a fun time outside at least for a little while before we attempted a nap!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just Because!

I know everyone is going to fall over with all the posts today! I am catching up! Here are some pictures that I just had to post...they were just TOO cute!!!

Nonna Nancy and Nonno Chris...your present was a HUGE hit!!

"Hello Onie....where Maggie go?"

Halloween Fun at the Library (briberry)

Today we went to the Library with Sophie! I am not sure if Addison was more excited about the library or seeing Sophie. I am thinking seeing Sophie the bunny as it has now changed to at our house.

This library is great! We listened so a couple of stories, did some halloween crafts, went to City Hall and sang a song to the Mayor and had oodles of treats! Popcorn balls are MESSY!!

I think Addi-Cat had a great time! We hope you enjoy the pictures!!

Happy Halloween (a little early!!)

Love the Nesbitts

Happy Birthday Addi (again)

We had a great weekend celebrating Addison's Birthday in Willmar! It was so great that so many of our friends and family could be there with us! Thank you to everyone that came. It not only meant a lot to Addison but also to Bill and I. Addison had a great time! And loved blowing out the candles again! I think, other than ice cream, that was the birthday highlight!

Enjoy the pictures!!