Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What have we been doing?

I don't know what we have been up to...things have been really busy but I am not sure what we are accomplishing!

Today Addison and I planted flowers outside while Landon took a nap!  Sunday we had Vollen's 3rd Birthday (how can it be that he is three??)  You have to check out the Schlueter's blog....Casie threw the cutest train birthday!!  Way to go Case!

We went to the zoo on Saturday with some friends...there are the cutest little baby giraffes there.  Two of them! I think everyone should come and see them!!  They also just opened the NEW aquarium.  It is complete with touch pools!  (geez I should get a commission!!)  It is a great place and we have a season pass....all are welcome!

The weeks have been busy with Addi's school, swimming lessons, dance all the normal stuff. I will add some photos to get everyone up to speed with our happenings!

Bill is now in an apartment...he still doesn't have his household goods but they are coming. Thank God for technology.  We get to see him quite a bit when we do "facetime" and get to talk to him almost everyday. There isn't a day that goes by that Addison doesn't say sometime that she misses him.  Bill gave Addi a globe with the Disney castle in it and she likes to play that so she can "Remember of Daddy".  We LOVE YOU BILL and think of you every day!

These are two photos that I took at a photography class....it was a neat class and I learned a lot...the pictures aren't great cause I was more concerned about learning but they are Addi and Landon so of course they are cute!!

Pizza and movie night...

It was a rainy, stormy day in Omaha and Landon took a power nap in the morning so his and Addison's naps didn't match up.  So he was awake and I was still working on a few things so I thought....what a great idea I will put some beans in a cake pan and he can drive his trucks through them.  He had a great time!  The pan didn't even end up on the floor to my amazement.  Well, when Addi woke up she wanted to play too.  By this time I was cooking dinner so I had one eye on them but was making dinner.  I look over to see Landon with a finger up his nose.  OH BOY.....it was at that minute that it hit me...I was the dumbest mom in the entire world and I SO knew better!  I freaked out thinking that Landon put a bean up his nose.  I called the nurses line where they kinda laughed at me and she said that they were just talking about "up the nose stories".  Great now I was one of them!  The nurse called me back and the worst case scenario was a sinus infection.  Way better than I was expecting.  I still followed him around trying to peer up his nose with a flashlight all night but I wasn't quite as worried.  When I asked him if he put a bean up his nose he told me every time very concisely "NO!"  He had to go in for a recheck for an ear infection so we had the Dr check his nose too....she didn't think there was a bean up there....and wasn't sure he could get a bean up there I guess he has little nostrils.
moral of the story....USE RICE even if it goes up the nose it won't get stuck!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend

Well, we survived Easter weekend. We decided to take a road trip to MN! It was a good trip. The kids were not the greatest on the drive up but made up for it on the drive home. Once we got to MN we had a great time! We had a pit stop in Fairmont where we got to hang out with Auntie and Uncle T, Lucas and Maggie. It was great to see Lucas again!! He is such a little sweetie! I love kissing his chubby cheeks! Addi and Landon loved throwing the ball for Maggie! We found out however that all of us, Addi, Landon and I sleeping in one room doesn't work so well. About 1am Landon decides to wake up "Hi....mamaaaa...hi" not exactly what I wanted to hear! Oh well. We traveled on to Willmar and got to see Nana and Papa too! We even got to celebrate Nana's birthday with her...on the day!!

Friday we had a great time dying Easter eggs and playing with the Schueler kiddos and Soren and Kinley. My friend Emily amazes me....she had 6 children in her care and was the calmest mommy ever! I don't know how she does it....and still had the creativity to think up a game on the fly at the park.....AMAZING!

Sunday morning Addi and Landon had fun finding "balls" if you ask Landon!! It was too cold to be outside but inside was just as fun. We headed to church at Bethel and then it was off on a long car ride again. Having worn out kiddos is great! They were so quiet all the way home....even Landon!
Easter 2012- We Miss You Daddy!!
Hunting for Eggs aka balls
Found one!
Just chillin with Daddy....I thought it was so funny how Lucas fell asleep!
Addi playing with chalk...I can't believe how long her legs are??
This is quite possibly the new favorite activity at Nana and Papa's house! Landon loves riding around on the 4 wheeler! Addi doesn't mind either! Thanks Papa!
Check out those cheeks! How can you NOT want to kiss them??? Steph...I am sure you don't like the picture....it is better than the one of you pumping he he he!!!
Nana and her boys!
Amazing moment...two kids being still at the same time???
Beautiful Egg hand painted by Addison!
Addi having fun dying easter eggs!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

So, we are trying really hard to stay busy. This week it is Spring Break for Addison. We have had an Easter egg hunt, a tour of Rotellas (the bread factory) and today we went to the Fontenelle Forrest for their preschool program. We are all still missing Bill oodles but we are trying to do what we can to make the time pass....it has been a week...one week closer to seeing him!

The Easter Egg hunt was fun...once Landon realized there were "balls" it was difficult to hold him back. Addison had fun picking up eggs and helping her brother. Landon surely liked what he found inside. Leaving the park was a disaster. We had skipped morning nap for Landon which is NEVER a good thing. I felt like THAT mom carrying Landon sideways from the park. Once naps were had everything was much better!

Next was a tour of Rotella's Bakery. We went with Sophia, Mitchell, Audrey and Taylor. It was lots of fun. We had to wear hair nets and Addi's hair was in pig tails...it barely fit. I thought we were going to need one for each piggy! But she got in on and looked like a little cupcake instead!

While we were waiting Landon was able to get out of his stroller for a few minutes... well this is what he decided to do...crawl in the basket under the stroller. Seriously??? He is my little trouble maker!

Mudpies....the program at Fontenelle Forrest...it was lots of fun and there are many things for the kiddos to do. Here Addi and Landon were playing in a bucket of corn. I think they had a lot of fun. There are some fun trails there too.

The play area outside even has some musical instruments!

I HAD to take a picture of Landon because he was playing nicely by himself. Landon doesn't like to play alone very much. He would much rather be entertained by Addison or Mommy!