Sunday, November 25, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving!  Despite not having Bill in Omaha with us we have a lot to be thankful for!  We are blessed with wonderful family and friends!  We were lucky enough to host Thanksgiving this year. Thanks Mom, Dad, Steph, Trent and Lucas for making the trip!  We were even able to eat a wild turkey that Trent shot last spring.  It was delish! We were able to get in a photo shoot in the morning, lunch, naps for the kiddos, and then a little shopping.  

Landon and Addison playing.....this was the feast that they put on for their animals while waiting for everyone to arrive!
 Cooking....yum yum!
 Addi and Grandpa!  
 We are missing one turkey....we love you Bill and can't wait for Christmas!!  
 The smallest turkey!  Lucas is SO funny. He surely enjoyed his Thanksgiving feast!  He is on the move for sure! 

I am thankful for a mischievous little boy!  I came into the laundry room and this is what I found.  "Mommy feed Sidney.  Sidney hungry" Sidney surely knew he was in trouble but Landon truly thought he was helping.   ahhh what do you do other than take a picture? 
So, we go shopping at 8 or so.  I am feeling fine.  We went a couple of places and we were going to stop at Target.  Well, by this time I wasn't feeling so good.  I just thought I hadn't had enough water so Steph tells me to grab a bottle of water and go wait in line.  So that is what I do.  Well, a few minutes later I get a call and Steph asks me if I have opened my water yet.  They didn't have what she I was now standing in line for a bottle of water! Steph talked to one of the employees and she said not to worry about it which was really nice!  

Buddy the Elf......


This picture made me laugh because Landon looks like Buddy!  It is a tiny chair that Addison has used for her dolls and Landon decided to sit in it!  I think I am just a little anxious to watch Elf!


November 10 I did a craft show for MOPS.  It went well.  Here is Landon at my booth.  It was some stuff that I had made/repurposed as well as some cool crocheted stuff that my Mom had made!  It was fun! My mom sold a bunch of stuff and me some....but crafting has been my stress relief so it worked out!
 Addi and Landon watching Veggie Tales, Landon's favorite...he will watch it for 5 whole minutes!!  
 Landon is such a boy despite wearing heels and necklaces.  He loves to play trucks. He has been parking them under everything!

Serving with a Joyful Heart!

November 17-
We volunteered today with our church to help at the Open Door Mission.  It was a great experience.  Addison, Landon and I made the trek to the ODM this morning and waited with about 175 other people to get assigned to help in different areas.  We were given the task of hanging out clothes....Addison surely could use some practice at this but it didn't hold their attention.  Addison was having fun because one of her friends was there.  Landon on the other hand thought it was fun to peek through the clothes knocking down more than I could hang up.  After a little while we switched gears and went to help with beans.  I wasn't sure what that meant but anything was better than hanging clothes up 200 times each!

Outside we found 25lbs sacs of dried beans that were being packaged into ziploc bags and put into a large box.  There was a bit of an assembly line going and the kiddos were the runners.  They would take the bags to the big box.  This was PERFECT!  Landon had so much fun he was full of smiles and giggles.  He was running back and forth to the box and he would get lifted up to put the beans in the was just so much fun for him.  Addison also had fun just helping out.  I was so glad to see my children helping others with such joy.  That is certainly something that I would like to instill in them.  It was fun to see that I didn't have to try too hard!  Landon woke up from his nap talking about what we had done that morning. "Nandan carry beans mommy!"

Addi helping to carry small bags of beans to the larger box!
 Landon getting lifted up by the famous Mr. Chapman(one of Addi's favorite people at church) to put the beans in the box!
 Landon carrying beans!

Today was also the day that they were delivering thanksgiving baskets to those in need.  I thought that would also be fun for us.  So I went through the process and the lady handed me a stack of addresses....that was a little much but we did do one.  Which was good because I got totally lost.  Omaha is easy to get around but the downtown, when you don't know a cross street, is a bit confusing. And I was trying to navigate and drive....when using a cell phone it was a bit tricky! But we finally got to the street and I see this....person....standing in the middle of the street.  Just hanging out with his pants at his ankles.  I am certain this is going to arise a million questions (thankfully I don't think Addi noticed!)  I of course miss the house and have to turn around....ahhh finally I get to the house and it was great to give this woman a gift.  A Jennie-o turkey even! A bunch of her grandkids were there and they all came to see Addi and Landon which was funny.  Landon of course thought he should go in and hang out....and Addi was busy wishing a Happy Thanksgiving and taking it all in!  I love giving people gifts!  It is my favorite!!


Landon is talking like crazy.  He still thinks every color is white but he can tell you about everything.  But, most of all he loves to be just like Addison.  Here he is in her "heels".  He shuffles around in all of her shoes.  Her pink and black winter boots are some of his favorite!  It makes me laugh.  Well, until one day he was in the car and I was almost out of the driveway when I noticed he had pink boots on....woops!  Back in we went to get  boy shoes on! And lately he has been loving socks on his hands. He just walks around with a sock on his hand or gloves if he can get them on.  He is surely one silly little boy who makes me laugh every day!

 Why I didn't get rid of that pillow when Addison did this I don't know.  But, it must be a rite of passage cause Landon did the same thing....took all the stuffing out! Oh well, if that is as bad as it gets...I am a-ok!  But I don't think this is as bad as it gets.....


So, it is no secret that I love my coffee.  There is a routine at our house...drip in the morning followed my espresso drink...normally a latte at about 3.  Thanks to Bill giving me an amazing 30th birthday present it isn't as expensive as Starbucks!

Well, I registered online to have a "house party".  It is where the company sends you the product, you invite some friends and that is it.  You aren't selling anything and they give you cool stuff to give away.           So it works out.  Well, I saw one come up for coffee...PERFECT!  I actually got picked which was a huge surprise!  So, my party was November 9th (I am doing some SERIOUS blog catch up!!)

It was a great time.  It is funny that half of the people that came don't even drink coffee....and the others didn't have a Keurig.  So, I have a ton of coffee left over that is ready for an impromptu coffee date anytime!
I used my most recent pinterest project to display our coffee.  Isn't it so fun!! Thanks Dad and Ron for helping me!
 Here is the crew...not bad for a timer picture!  Thanks for coming guys I had lots of fun!


Addison and Landon had a great time Trick-or-Treating!  I was able to pin up Landon's cape as to not have any accidents!  We went and visited those in the immediate area and then walked to see Breanna! That was a must!  The kids had a great time!  Addison is  SO her Daddy!  So, there was a house that was facing 102 and the sidewalk was on the side street.  I told Addison that tonight it was okay to walk in the grass if she wanted she decided that she would go all the way back to the corner and walk up the sidewalk....I don't know how those kind of things are passed through DNA!!!

We got to go and hang out with Addison today at school.  Landon has been wanting to ride these bikes for a long was his chance!!

 We had a busy day...we went to the pumpkin patch after school.  It was fun to watch Addi and Landon run around and play! 
 In the corn...

 Happy Halloween!!
 Handing out candy was something that Addison was very excited the time we got home there weren't too many kids that came...but she got to give out some at least!