Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Bill!!!

I so wish that we were with Bill to wish him a Happy Father's Day and spoil him like he deserves!  Luckily the package that we shipped to him arrived in time (whew!!) but it was covered in ants.  Apparently a different package leaked all over his.  

Daddy and his princess!

 Bill was sneezing in this picture and he is probably going to hate that I posted it but it makes me laugh! 

Not knowing what to get him I took some pictures of Addison and Landon.  The timing wasn't perfect it was after church one day and Landon was tired and they were both hungry.  But here is what we came up tell Bill how much we love him!!

 Here are Bill's Father's Day photos....not great but they will due I guess...

 My little model...she just had to add the flower!

 Gotta LOVE all that hair!!

I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who is the World's BEST Daddy to our kids!  Being apart really does make me realize and notice all the little day-to-day things that Bill does to make our family perfect!  We wish everyday that we were together but know it is just temporary and that we will not have to do it again!  Every day is one day closer and I am so thankful for that!  Bill, I appreciate all you do for our family and love you so much!  I do wish I was better with words...your daughter is GREAT with words..... here is what she had to say.....

Gifts from Daddy!

June 11-  A package arrived today from Bill.....Addison and Landon were excited to open (the next morning cause I didn't get the mail).  It was lots of fun.  There were some fun gifts that Bill bought in Jordan and a couple of disposable cameras that we have to get DEVELOPED...Addi couldn't figure out why she couldn't see the pictures!  Addi got a cool pen with bubbles in it and it lights up...she has taken it with her everywhere!  Landon got a camel!  They both got little thermos's and they think they are so cool.  Every time Landon uses it he says "daddy".  I think both of the kids are really missing Bill.  I know I surely do!

Watching a movie...I had some friends over to make some Father's Day cards and before they got here this was Addi and is truly amazing that Landon was sitting still.  He isn't a TV watcher!


Our favorite babysitter came over and took Addison on a date yesterday.  Addi was so excited!  They ran some errands together, got ice cream, went to the bank....lots of fun things.  And Addison got to go to her house and talk her parents ears off for a little bit.  It was great because it was right at Landon's nap time.  A quiet house....nothing better!  I got lots of stuff done like cleaning out the car!

So later for snack Addison decided that she wanted apples and ham (ahh...yuck!) but she ate it and then Landon needed to have it too!  Crazy kids!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

On the road again...

Or the trail today!  I ran a race for the first time in I truly can't remember how long!  It was a race to support Downs Syndrome awareness here in the Omaha Metro area.  And I know one special little boy who has down syndrome!  Vollen, my little neighbor, was there to cheer me on...his smile melts my heart every single time I see it!  As I was coming up the hill to finish the 5K this morning there he was with his huge smile waving his little arm off!  It was a great race, a great cause, and a great morning to be running!  

Me and Renee before the race!!  Renee did a great job I am so proud of you for setting your PR!!

Sophia & Casie finishing strong!!

After the race I came home and got Addi so we could have a date!!  We went to Target (Starbucks) for coffee and then to the park!  

Being Silly in Target "Hey Mom can you take my picture??" Oh no!!

Addi has figured out how to take pictures with my iphone!  This is NOT good.  
We had 10 pictures of shirts at Target!  

Addi being very impressed with her new skills!

MORE sand....ahhh!

Bonjour Butterfly!

Addi had her best friend Sophia's birthday party tonight...I dropped her off and 5 and she came back to me a beautiful butterfly!  Casie always throws the best, cutest she even had a face painter!!  AMAZING!  Addi had a great time! 
(I think she is going to like the her Daddy!! She surely has the look!!)

Only Landon!

Landon was in the craft room and he was coloring...well I left the room to go and grab some crayons since the markers weren't working out so well.  I heard him kinda crying but I figured it was because he wanted to get down from the chair that he was on.  I walked into the room and found Landon in the garbage can.  I of course had to leave him there for a minute so I could get the camera!  Before I could help him out he realized he could just tip it over and get out! 

There is never a dull moment!!

Nurse Addison

Okay, we got home from the grocery store and one of Addison old bikes is in the garage.  The training wheels on it are not perfect so it is a bit on the tippy side. BUT, it has wheels so Landon thinks he should get on it and ride it! Of course he fell off.  He cut his lip on something so I took him inside and washed it off and was going to put ice on it.  Well, he didn't want to keep the ice pack on his lip so I put Addi in charge.  I told her that she was Nurse Addi and needed to take care of Landon.  She was good with that!  She said she was just like Heather (one of our babysitters who is going to school to be a nurse).

So, I come back in from getting the groceries and this is what I find..... Addi thought that Landon needed a bandaid on his lip!!  Kids are so funny!

Happy National Doughnut Day!!

June 1st is National Doughnut Day! if I need an excuse to eat a doughnut!  Today they were free....well that is if you wanted to stand in a line out the door at Krispy Kreme.  I opted to pay the $3 at another doughnut shop right next door!  

Who better to celebrate national doughnut day with than your BFF!!  
I think you should put candles on something whenever possible!  It makes it just a little more fun!!

Our little rainbow!

Addison takes it upon herself to bring loads of color into everyday!  
Normally it includes RED shoes!  I do understand that red shoes are the best...but they don't match everything....unless you are Addison!

Memorial Day

We had a fun Memorial Day weekend.  It was lonely without Bill but we still managed to have fun.  We took in a parade on Saturday afternoon.  It was hot, hot, hot!!!  Luckily we had a friend on the parade route so we didn't have to get there early!  

Our cute little parade goers!

 Finally a time where it is okay to say hello to everyone!  My children are the greeting committee EVERY WHERE we go!  Sometimes there are people that I just don't want to have a conversation with!!  Yeah, not possible with Addi and Landon!!

It was either a fire truck, motorcycle or tractor....can't remember which!

 Rosy cheeks on a beautiful little girl!!

We also had a graduation party to go to...the guy that mows our lawn was graduating.  He lives in the neighborhood so we went for a little walk to say hello!  

Landon having fun on the swing!
 Addi surprised at her ability to go down the fireman pole almost by herself!
 SAND....Addi and Landon both love sand...I don't like it at gets everywhere!  So, whenever there is an opportunity to play in it they surely take it!