Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Day of Preschool

Landon's First day of preschool was today....it was a shortened day but he was all alone!  He was SO excited.  I thought Landon would have been my kiddo that didn't want to leave....nope...no problem at all!!  

Addi and Landon
 Our Cute little Preschooler
 Mommy and Landon
 Daddy go to come with today too!!!  
 Landon giving Daddy a smooch!  I love those two!
 There is handsome!!
 Everyday Landon is at school he has to take his apple and put it on the board....he did great! 
 When I went to pick him up he was playing on the playground.  It is so fun to watch him.  They left the fenced area and several parents were waiting....some of the kids started to cry for their parents and one of them even ran out of line. The teachers were telling the kids they had to stay on the "bridge" the crosswalk.  Landon smiled at me and waved by he listened....I was a little surprised!!!  When I picked Landon up one of the first things he told me "One boy didn't stay on the bridge mom."
We ran to the base for an activity fair thing and on the way home Landon told me "I am worn out Mom."  I just had to laugh....he has to be tired to admit it!!

Playing cars.....Landon has been playing so nice by himself....it is fun to see!  He also speaks for himself too! We got some toys from Joan...a lady down the street who has grandkids that are grown up now!  She was looking to get rid of some toys so our neighbor hooked us up.  She gave Landon a great scooter and these cars and mat. He loves them.  He keeps asking me "Mom who give me these toys?" I tell him Joan..."oh yeah Joan" After riding the scooter the first time he said, " I wuv this scooter I am gonna give Mrs.Hesser a hug and a kiss."  I am glad that I have appreciative kiddos!

Preschool Orientation Day

September 5

Today Landon and I went to his preschool orientation.  It was lots of fun.  We got to meet Mrs. Hendricks and Mrs. Sherman and some of the friends that are going to be in Landon's class.  He was super excited about everything.  He was VERY excited about all the new toys and play dough!!

Lookin Snappy in his birthday outfit from Auntie Pat

 The first thing that Landon went to was the "science center".  He was so excited about the shells and star fish!  He knew that they were found in the ocean and started listening to the shells! 

 Then we got to paint a bag that he will take to and from school.  He did a good job but wasn't super interested...especially once he saw the work bench!
He is Capt Safety's Son....
 Sand was also very exciting since it was inside and not outside!!
 Mrs. Hendricks and Mrs. Sherman

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten

I really can NOT believe that it is time for Addison to go to Kindergarten!  She was so excited!  I am surprised she slept at all.  Here is our Kindergartner!  We went shopping for the dress over the weekend when she requested that we go shopping as a family!  

Addison's basket of goodies that she woke up to!  Bill and I made a set of bracelets Addi wore one and I wore one....it was fun!!  There was a fun book for her to read, a Mom and me journal, new tooth brush, body wash, a fun sticker book.... I had a lot of fun putting it together! 

I couldn't resist the urge to decorate...at least a little!

 Landon REALLY missed Addison today.  We were running some errands and doing a few things and every time we finished something he would ask "We go get Addi now?" "We pick Addi up at school?" 

 Walking to the bus!
 Linda is our AMAZING next door neighbor.  She has a daughter about my age I think....anyway she came to the bus stop today to hand out pencils to all the kids!  HOW SWEET!  She really does love Addi and Landon...and they adore her! 
 Addi and Sarah (I don't think Addi is that much taller...it is the way they are standing!)
Genevieve and Addison
 All the kids at the bus stop....a great picture thanks to Matt--Ryan's Dad...he is the patrol this year! So his job is to make sure the kids are safe and to help the little kiddos to their class.  He is so sweet!

 This is the part where my heart started to race and my tears started to well up! It was really going to happen! 
 Every time Addison was asked what she was most excited about it was the bus ride!  So for her this is super exciting!

 My heart has now dropped to my feet and I am breathing a little faster! We brought a gift for the bus driver....I am thinking if you tell them they are appreciated then maybe they will watch out for my baby!  The bus driver is super sweet....It is the same one as last year and she is super careful about making sure the kids are safe...especially the kindergartners!!!
 Yup really happening!
 Tears rolling down the cheeks....good thing I am hiding behind the camera!  Bill got to be here too which was great! 
 Landon skipping home with his buddy Linda!
 Yeah, so I couldn't let the bus leave and I not follow up!  I went to school to make sure everything was okay!  It was fine.  Ryan made sure Addison got to class and when I saw her she was hanging up her stuff!  We gave her teachers their gift, I got another hug, took another picture and we were off! I did okay at school! The PTA sponsored a "Boohoo breakfast" for the new parents...so I went to that and met a couple of mom's that had just moved her from......OMAHA! What are the chances?  They were both military mom's but still!  Then we were off to breakfast with Bertha....thanks for the great company!!!
 Addison's class
 Here is where my heart started to race with happiness! 
 My baby girl is back!!!  I made a plate of chocolate chip cookies to have for all the kiddos when they got off the bus!  It was fun! 

 After school surprise for Addi!
Auntie, Uncle T and Lucas gave Addison some flowers....she was eyeing the pink roses the other day at the store :)

After school Landon and Brian were playing...once Landon saw Brian had his orange goggles on it wasn't long before Landon came out in his!  They are such cute little friends!

Popsicles on the Porch

Aug 29th-  This is the event where we were able to find out who Addi's teacher was and meet her.  We got to the school and they had popsicles for everyone and then after waiting for a long time in the heat we went inside and were able to meet Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Sheftic Addison's teacher and assistant for the year!  It was fun but Addi was awful hot and tired out by the time we got inside so she wasn't really herself! That and she had been to a play date that morning!!

 It was great that Daddy got to come with us too!!!  Landon stayed with the Sheehan clan so Addi got undivided attention....which she loved!
 Mrs. Jackson (is it wrong that once I saw her name all I could think of is that outkast song?  Sorry Ms Jackson...I am for real!!!  yeah I'm old)

It was nice of someone from the staff to take our picture even though they were busy!!