Monday, February 21, 2011

Landon's CRAZY hair!

I am not too sure what to do with Landon's hair. He has so much of it. We have noticed that it really has red streaks in it. I apologize daily and am very thankful that he will have a short hair cut. Poor little hair....I have already told him if needed we can dye it!

Don King....


Addi the Ballerina

We surely do have extremes in our house. We have Landon who is normally beating on something or eating it. Then there is Addi who is ALWAYS dancing. She can not do ANYTHING without dancing. It makes Bill laugh. Here she is in a NEW tutu that was made for her by our friend Rayna....Thanks Rayna!! Addi loves it so much!

Got em!

Landon is such a funny little boy. He is always moving. Playing with his toys he is either pounding them or eating them. I would say from what I can tell he is all boy! He has been trying to get his giraffe off his mobile for some time now he gets so excited. He kicks his legs so much you think he is going to fly away. Here are a couple of pictures I took one night before bed....

Valentines Party at school!!

Here are the pictures from Addison's Valentines Day Party at school. I got to help! One of the many joys of a stay at home mommy! Landon came and hung out too. He had a great time watching all the kids.

I wish I could remember what they were talking about...I just love this picture!

A Fun picture of Mommy and Landon

Mrs Ziemba and Addi

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!!

At Addi's request we took some more Valentine's Day the momarazzi could deny that!!

We hope that everyone has a day filled with LOVE, HUGS and KISSES!
We are surely sending hugs and kisses your way!!

Nana's Visit

My Mom came down last week and spent some time with us while Bill was in D.C. it is so nice that she can just drive down. She got to see Addi's dance class on Wednesday afternoon, have a play date with us on Thursday and then Friday we spent the day running some errands. Nothing too crazy but fun just the same.

So there is this sweater that we bought when Addison was small and there was a matching one that we bought for Grandma. It is pretty neutral so we thought it could be a sweater that all the grandkids get to wear in a photo with Nana.

Well, here is the pictures of Addi and Nana and Landon with Nana....

Addi and Nana (Addison was around 15 months old)

Now...Nana and Landon (6 months old)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Landon's 6 month Check-up

On Friday, Feb 4, Landon had his 6 month check up. He had to get 5 shots. One was oral but 4 injections. He did great. The first one he just kinda looked at me, the next one he kinda starte to cry by the third one he was crying and about 30 seconds after the fourth one was done he was quiet. It helped that he had his sister right there to look at.

Our Little Man's Stats...

Weight: 18lbs 3oz (64%)
Height: 28 1/2 inches (96%)
Head size: 17 1/2 inches (70%)

I can't believe how tall he is. I know it shouldn't come as a big surprise since we aren't a real small family..especially if you look at my uncles!! Those genes along with Daddy and there is no possible chance Landon is going to be a peanut like his sister.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Landon is SIX MONTHS OLD!!!

I really can't believe that Landon is 6 months old already. Part of me thinks it has gone fast but since he still isn't sleeping through the night EVERY night some days don't seem so fast. Lately we have all had colds so that hasn't helped at all. And poor Landon has been working on teeth what seems like forever now and still nothing. Not even a little bump. But despite all that Landon is a happy little boy who steals my heart on a daily basis. He is trying really hard to move around. Thankfully we don't live in Italy the land of tile floors. He would have a concussion by now. He rocks his entire body on the floor with the hope of getting even a little closer to a toy, the dog or his sister. He is grabbing things like crazy hair is surely not safe as both Addison and I have found out. Addi is very gentle and patient with him. Landon will babble something and she will say "Mom, Landon just told me I Love You Big Sister" It is so cute all the things that Landon says to her. She really is a great big sister! Landon is sitting up on his own for a second or two here and there. As soon as he realizes it though he falls over. It really is getting more and more fun. I think once those teeth come in (hopefully all at once) things in Landon's little world and subsequently ours will be better.

There will be better pictures to come later but here are a couple I shot off today....

Addi today....she gave Bill a kiss and said "Daddy I just opened your heart and put that kiss in there and then closed it back up." Where in the world does she get this stuff? She is so lovable!

Family Weekend...

This past weekend we had a greet time. Auntie Steph, Uncle Trent, Nana and Papa were all here to visit. It was Pheasant Fest here in Omaha. So, while the boys went there the girls hung out. We were going to go have cupcakes at Island cupcakes but it was we had to have a krispy creme instead. Landon was sporting his Auntie shirt so we had to take a picture. The picture of just Landon is for Auntie Nette just in case the shirt is too small by the time we see her next!!

When Nana, Papa, Auntie and Uncle T were on their way home my Dad got a call from the Pheasant Fest people....he won the grand prize. He is such a lucky little turkey! Both Bill and I thought he was kidding. He wasn't. It is some expensive gun...out of all those people, over 20,000 according to the sunday paper, and my Dad won! Crazy!!