Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Amazing Christmas Surprise!!

You may recall our magical trip to Disney World last February!  While we were standing in line at "It's a Small World" I found an SD card on the ground.  Amazingly, there was an address and phone number on the card!!  I called and got the machine at their house but assured the owners that I would tuck it in the mail upon my return!  Which I did.  We exchanged a few emails and I was SO happy that I could get the pictures back to the B family!  If anyone understands the importance of pictures it is me! 

Now I bring you to today....I checked the mail and found this huge box from Chardon, Ohio.  It rang a bell but I was confused.  I opened the box to find an amazing letter from Rebecca.  She started following our blog and Bill left for Bahrain on her birthday so every month she thinks of us.  That alone melted my heart and I had tears in my eyes as I read her wonderful letter!  She sent a little piece of Chardon to Omaha!  There was yummy maple syrup, pancake mix from a 100 year old mill, a book "The Soldiers Night Before Christmas", and beautifully designed, homemade, disney themed sugar cookies!  Talk about an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G surprise!   

 Enjoying YUMMY Cookies!!
 Love the face....

Christmas Lists...

The lists at our house are everywhere....but the sad part is they are my to do lists, to get lists, to clean lists!  As far as Christmas lists go this year they are very simple....

Addison what do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas?

"umm maybe a yarn ball for Bootsie (a stuffed cat) or a toy for Wiskers (also stuffed) and maybe an ipad game for me (she doesn't have an ipad)."  Other times I have asked her the answer has been "something for Lucas or Landon"  Pretty much Santa could extract that list for under $5!  Woohoo I guess I should be happy as it won't always be this way!

When you ask Landon the same question....

"Awerplane.....big one"  sometimes it is "copter"

But he was sitting in my lap one Sunday afternoon as we were looking at the Target ad...he pointed to one of the gaming systems....I truly don't know the difference and said to me "I have that when I'm big"  I was it something in their genes?  How do they know to want that?  And at two none the less!  

Adorable kiddos!

Here are a couple of pictures I took shortly after Thanksgiving and they have not made their way to the blog quite yet.....Landon got a hat for his Christmas outfit...he surely thinks he looks dapper!  Addison with her hair down.....wowza that girl has a lot of hair!  I love pictures that capture personality and these surely do! 

Christmas craziness....the fun kind!

So we have been having all kinds of fun getting ready for Christmas!  Addison and I attended a Sing Omaha concert the same weekend as the Nutcracker!  Great Job sing like an angel!!

Then we also went to a Christmas program here in Omaha.  It was amazing....with flying angels and live animals.  I took Addi and Landon and it didn't start until 7pm...with bedtime at 7:30 I was chancing it!  And then I was told to get there early so we could sit on an aisle on the main floor.  Wonderful advise as we got to pet some of the animals.  It was a lot of fun!  Who knew lambs were so loud!! Landon was good despite it being past bedtime.  A little wiggly but good given the circumstances! The animals were a huge hit with him...especially the camels since Daddy sent Landon his own camel!

Addison had her program at school and she did a fantastic job!  Landon even got to go and stand by her and have treats after with her!

Then we traveled to MN for Lucas's birthday party!  Another fun event!

.........and now we are on the FINAL COUNTDOWN (cue the music!!) I am hoping the snow that is falling outside right now does not affect flight times!
Audrey and Addison at the Sing Omaha concert
 One Adorable reindeer!
 Addi and Landon at Addison's school program!
 The two best teachers EVER!  Ms. Perez and Mrs. M

 I LOVED Addison's Santa!!!!!  

Happy Birthday Lucas!

Lucas is ONE!  We had a great time this past weekend in Fairmont celebrating with him!  He is such a funny little boy!  He is pretty quiet but NEVER stops moving!  Landon LOVES Lucas and I can't imagine them together in a year or so!  What one doesn't think of the other one will! 

 Congrats to Steph and Trent on a successful first year!!  
You have a perfect little boy and we sure do love him!!
Trent & Lucas

 Sugar high!!!
 I am not sure how much cake Lucas actually ate...he enjoyed squishing it though!
Presents!!  Actually like usual the paper was much more fun than the least for a little while!

Nana, Papa and Lucas

We really were at the party.....There was a pool though and I didn't get a chance to get pictures of Addi and Landon with Lucas before the pool!  Landon decided to make an appearance from the pool to help with presents!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


So Addison was in two performances today!  One at 2 and the other at for the first show Grandma and Grandpa came.

 Our little star!
 Waiting for the show to start!  Addison was able to watch the first half and then we had to go and get dressed for her to rehearse and be ready for the second half.  
 Getting ready....
 Seriously, there were some cute bees but I FOR SURE had the cutest one!!  I was in the dressing room to help her and as she was leaving to go on stage she put her hands in a heart and looked at me. (Taylor Swift style!)
 Addison is super serious but I could tell how excited she was.  It showed too on stage when she was just zipping around her flower! 
After the first show we met Auntie and Landon for dinner at Spaghetti Works.  Landon went home with Papa and Auntie, Nana and I went to the second show.  So this morning Landon was talking about going home with Papa, "Papa get lost".  He was right on Dad had to call for directions.  I just thought it was so funny that Landon remembered and thought it worthy enough to tell me!

 We decided to have some coffee and treats before the show! 
 Addi thought we should do the same pose for the night show!  Geez maybe I take too many pictures that she is that conditioned?  ......nope there is no such thing as too many pictures! 

Addi and Mommy before the show!
 Auntie and Addi
 Addi's Best Friend came and saw the show!  In fact, so many people came to see the show one of her teachers from school, My friend Amy and her daughter, Breanna and her family, Scott and Paula, her dance teacher from last she had lots of fans!

Performance Day....

This morning Oliver surely outdid himself!  He decorated the kitchen in everything nutcracker!  Addison was very excited about all the friends that Oliver brought with him!

Nutcracker Rehearsal

On Thursday we went down to the Orpheum for bee practice!  Addison wasn't scared at all.  It was kinda strange that I just left her and someone walked her back to the dressing room.  I had another mission.  I was going to make sure one way or another that I got a picture of my little bee.  So, I talked to someone who assured me that I would be able to get a picture.....whew! 

Addi waiting with some other bees to go down to the dressing room! is where she had to go! 

So I parked next to a lady who also had a bee so we walked in together.  She was a parent volunteer so she was staying.  When I came back out to our car to go home she was also there and we were talking. I asked how it went and she said that her Gabriella got a little the point of tears.  But Addison made her feel better.  I asked Addi about it, "Yeah, Gabriella was a little scared so we jumped around a little bit and then she was happy."  Ahh if everything could be solved by just jumping around a little bit!!  I adore my little girl who is so sweet! I know I am more nervous than Addi for sure! 

Operation Stalk Ticketmaster!!

Okay, so this week was CRAZY busy with the Nutcracker rehearsal and show all the normal business and now the stress of getting tickets to TAYLOR SWIFT!  Yes, for Christmas Addison is getting a ticket to the opening night of her entire tour which kicks off here in Omaha!  Good  choice!!  So my friend Elizabeth who was doing the same thing for her daughter and I have been talking about it for weeks.  Along with Breanna our babysitter!  In fact, Bre went down to the Century Link center when they went on sale EVERYWHERE else in the entire country but Omaha!  So, Elizabeth was able to find a presale order code so Tuesday I went to school dropped Addi off and zoomed back home to try and get tickets!  Oh my gosh...who knew it would be so stressful!  Ticketmaster has little timers and you have no time to do anything!  So we went with 'best available' seats and got some!  I was happy with that and I think we are going to have one excited little girl!  

Madeline's Christmas

November 25-
We met Brianna and her family at the Rose theater today for a showing of Madeline's Christmas!  Addi and Landon both loved it!  Brad, Pam and Brianna usher so they had some free tickets and took us!  We are so lucky!  It was a cute show! And a GREAT kick off to the holiday season!!!  Thanks Burklands!!

 Not a great picture of Landon or Addi....But Brianna is cute!

Oliver Arrives

So, December 1st our elf, Oliver arrived at our house.  Good thing I was reminded, by Addison...I actually forgot and had to dash to the basement and pull him out of his box while Addi and Landon were playing a game on the ipad.  Whew! In the days since his arrival we have found him in all kinds of places!!

 Hanging from the light....but he brought some friends back from the North Pole for Addi and Landon to take care of!!
 A little was trash day!
 On the table getting a close up view!