Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pinkalicious & Purplelicious Camp!!!

Addi had Pinkalicious & Purpleliciious Camp last week at her preschool. She was really looking forward to it since it has become one of her favorite books (thanks Jenna!!!). I can't tell you how many times it has been read to her. Nana and Papa even got in on the fun. Addi got to make pink cupcakes, a necklace and a fun collage with feathers and other pink and purple things on it. The girls really seemed to have a great time.

I am so excited for Preschool next year. It truly amazes me how fast Addi picks up on things. I think she is going to have a fabulous time or in her words a fabeelous time!

After camp the girls convinced me to have a "lunch date". It was hard to say no when they had the entire menu planned out before we got home. They are such fun friends. We had lunch and they played a little. It is so great having a friend that lives so close!!!

About time for some POOL Time!!

Addison and I FINALLY got in the pool this week on Tuesday afternoon. It was the first time I had been in the pool. All the rain has made it difficult to get it just right. The chemicals are fine it is just a little cloudy. I think now with the break in the rain it is better. But we had a good time splashing around.

Addison has taken to SINGING EVERYTHING! She just makes up her own words and sings all the time. Then she asks me to sing along. And that is when I have to explain that I don't know the words to that one. With that she usually defaults to Wheels on the Bus or Twinkle Twinkle.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Nana, Papa and Addi at breakfast! We had a tasty breakfast this morning at Summer Kitchen. Nana and Papa seemed to enjoy it too.

Daddy schooling Addison on his new Ipod touch. I think Addison was as excited to get Bill's old ipod as she was to give him the new one. Her CD player in her room broke so she has been without music for awhile.

Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Father's Day Bill!! Thanks for being the best Daddy in the whole wide world! And the best husband too!! Happy Father's Day to all the other Daddy's too! We had a pretty low key day. It was really raining and stormy here all day but we still were able to have a good day. It was nice to be able to have breakfast with my Dad and Bill this morning. And of course Bill's presents weren't really a surprise. Addison was really really excited to tell Bill that he got a new ipod and to tell Papa that he got a new coffee mug. Addison did pretty well was only when we were getting the presents that she told Bill. Oh well.

Addi also made some fun projects for Bill including a "round circle for Daddy to put his water bottle on at his desk", and a cute book from shutterfly. She also made Papa a new coffee mug with some original art work inside. Addi has been busy!

Papillion Days!

We were lucky enough to see Nana and Papa this weekend. Papa was surely missing his Addi. This weekend it was Papillion days so we decided to go and walk around a little bit. Addison LOVED the cheer leaders and bands. They were performing in the park and she had the best seat in the house....

Papa even played a game with her....she caught some fish...even though she was more interested in playing in the water.

She rode on a car too but spent the entire ride with her hands over her ears because the cars had horns and they were loud.

We had a great weekend....thanks Nana and Papa for coming down to Omaha!!

Library Time

Addison has been a reading machine. It seems like we can't read enough books. Which is great! The library is doing this program too that encourages reading by giving the kids little incentive coupons. Addi was pretty excited that she got a happy meal. She is having a great time I must say even though she has a million books there seems to always be a "book of the week" and we have to read it a million times! Oh well. That is how it goes. Here is a picture that we took at the library. She was looking pretty cute in her little dress!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Yee Haw....It's Cowgirl Camp!!

The Millard Foundation School (the one Addi will be going to in the Fall) was hosting a number of "camps" this summer. It is just a fun little class from 9-11. We signed of for today's Wild West Camp. Addi had lots of fun. She was super excited to be going to her new school. They were supposed to dress in their western gear and Addi didn't have much so I had to get creative! They got to pan for gold, make a horse, make trail mix, read books about horses, play with sounds like they had a blast!

Casie and I had a great coffee date while the girls were off playing!

Our Little Cowgirl

Two very excited cowgirls....

Meeting their teacher...she was super sweet!!

Look what Addi made......

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Fabulous Princess Party!!

Princess Addi was invited to a wonderful princess party to celebrate Sophia's 3rd Birthday. All the girls had so much fun. They even got to try their hand at putting on their own makeup. It was so funny to watch them. Addi did a pretty good job. She has gotten lessons from watching her auntie! Addison was a little overwhelmed at first but warmed up quick. So then she didn't stop talking and had hugs for everyone.

Princess Addi

The Birthday Princess

Showing Daddy her makeup and how beautiful she looks

Sitting in the throne

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Our Runner Girl!!

So the other night after dinner we decided to try out a "NEW" park. Well it is in our neighborhood we just haven't been there in a long time. Addison jumped in the wagon and we were off. This is after deciding that she needed to wear a hat which I didn't think she would keep on. It is certainly a challenge to get all that hair in a little hat!

She had a great time and on the way home she and Daddy decided to run. I bet she ran at least a 1/4 of a mile if not more. She loves to run. It was a little dangerous for Bill cause she would just stop but it sure was fun to watch!

Swim Anyone?

So we recently, last weekend, unveiled the pool...YUCK! Not only was it green and yucky it was FULL. Bill has done a lot of work on it and it is certainly looking like something one could use. Which will be really really nice cause it got HOT fast here. So please don't be scared away by the looks of the pool. It will be sparkling very soon! And we would love to have visitors!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and took a moment to think of and thank all the men and women that serve our great country! Sometimes the meaning of the holiday gets lost among the hot dogs and thoughts of summer. THANK YOU to the brave men and women in uniform!!

We had a great weekend. It was very productive!! Bill did a ton of work outside and it looks great (thanks baby). Despite my best efforts I really wasn't much help. Addi had fun looking for worms though! The pool is looking like something that we would think about getting into again. We took the cover off and yikes! It was FULL and had all kinds of creepy crawly bits of yuck in it.

Sunday evening we were lucky enough to have the Schlueters over for dinner! Like always we had a great time! I tried to take some fun pictures of Sophie and Addi but they were having too much fun playing to pause for a moment! They are such cute friends! We truly could not have designed better neighbors! Thanks for the company guys!!


How they both fit in that car is beyond me!!

Little Miss Hollywood (with the upside down usual)

Today we had a Dr. appointment...everything is looking good. I am still measuring a bit big this week it was a 33 weeks even though I am at 31. I guess if it continues around 34 weeks they might look at doing another ultrasound. I really just want them to tell me that they are going to let us meet this baby early! I think this little guy is going to come on his own time. Something tells me he isn't the planning type!

Other than colds for Bill and I all is good with the Nesbitt's! We hope all is well in your corner of the world as well!