Sunday, September 23, 2012

1/2 Marathon

Today I ran the Omaha Half Marathon!  It was a wonderful morning to run.  It was a bit on the chilly side this morning but turned out beautiful.  I had a great run.  There was a hill a mile 7 that kinda got me but I recovered a bit and moved on!  I was able to pace 10:04 which is really pretty good for me.  My overall time was a 2:10.  I have been out of the running thing for awhile now so it has been nice to do a few races and feel like I am a runner again.  

Mostly though I am SO proud of my friend Renee.  She and I were drinkin coffee in her basement one day last spring and we decided sign up for the half marathon.  We registered right then and she has been training since.  She ran five different races preparing her for this one and she finished strong!  Way to go Renee!  

Addi and Mommy after the race!  The cute t-shirts are compliments of Daddy they say "I love my marathon mommy!"
 Landon kept saying "wace go fast" Then later in the day he was telling me that he was going to race and listed all the people that he was going to race with....Dana, Taylor, Mitch, Audrey, Grandma, Auntie, Lucas...he had a whole list.  It was pretty funny!
 Renee looking awesome as she runs in the shoot!  Way to stay strong!
 The finish....Jenni (Renee's neighbor), Renee and Me
 Me and my Mom...thanks mom for coming all the way down here to watch me and take care of Addi and Landon while I ran!  It means the world to me!! 

Water in Omaha?

Yes...there is some!  We went out the River City Star sightseeing tour.  I am still a bit perplexed as to what we "saw" but it was still fun.  Landon LOVED it all we heard all day before and after was "boat wide".  It was a bit chilly but we still had fun!  

Nana came down to Omaha this weekend to help out with the kiddos while I run my half marathon! It was fun to be tourists in Omaha!  
 The mighty River City Star?
 Landon LOVING his "boat wide" The deal got even sweeter for Landon when he found out that there were hot dogs too!  

 Mommy and Addi

Friday, September 14, 2012

Aspen Ballet Proudly Presents


Starring Addison Nesbitt as a Bee
It is true!  Addison tried out for and was casted as a bee for the Nutcracker here in Omaha.  It is the no joke professional show at the beginning of December.  Thanks to my friend Renee who got me on board with the right information.  Addison had the tryout yesterday.  It was kinda crazy.  I was able to bring her in and register her and then it was off to a room where she was for 45 minutes for a closed audition!   I asked her what she did and of course she couldn't remember.  We got an email late last night with the cast list and she was on it!  So anyone who would like to see the most beautiful Bee in the history of all Nutcracker performances is invited to Omaha for the December 8th performances! 

Waiting to get registered....she is so brave!  I am quite certain I wouldn't have done this at her age!!
 Audrey & Addi after the audition
We met one of my friends from MOPS there too, Elizabeth and this is Landry and Addison they both get to be Bees!!

 It is Official....the cast list!

First Day of Dance!

Addi got to go to her first day of dance with her BFF!!  Addi and Sophia will be in dance together and they were SO crazy excited!  It is so fun to watch them together.  They just love being around each other!  I think they had a great time!  But the class was huge.  So we were able to do some schedule tweaking and get them into the Wednesday class with their favorite Breanna as the helper!  So it was a win win all around!  

The two BFF's Addi and Sophia looked HUGE compared to some of the little 2 and 3 year olds!
I think Landon had a good time hanging with his buddies too!  It is truly amazing that Ronan and Landon are nearly the same height!  Someday there is going to be a serious game of Football in the backyard!   
Addi was super excited to be going to dance with we had to commemorate the event with a gift!  Addi added the quote on the bottom.  I just thought the two girls looked like Addi and Sophia! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Pre-K

Addison had a great first day of Pre-K!  She has a fantastic teacher and she has lots of friends in her class.  She came home singing songs and then making up songs about school.  

Addi woke up to some fun little first day of school gifts!  Even one from Daddy!  It was a necklace with Addi written on it!  Addi loved it!  Addi woke me up saying "Mom there is a whole bunch of stuff on the table and it says Addi on it!"

 Thanks Nana and Papa for the cute first day of school dress!! 

 What? Addi and Landon both looking at the camera at the same time??? 
 Addi going into her new classroom! 
 Addi and Ms. Perez

Labor Day Weekend

So we were lucky enough to have Nana and Papa visit us this weekend.  We had fun and were able to do some fun little craft projects and just hang out.  Papa did a little golfing and we all had a good time!
Monday Addison and I ran our first race together.  It was a race called the Go Girl race and it was a benefit for the Hope Center of Omaha.  After the race they were sponsoring a pancake breakfast!  It was a great morning.  A bit on the hot side but good none the less!

Addison ran the half mile race when my 5K was done.  She was awesome I don't think she was even tired or breathing hard!  Those long legs are good for running!!
 Our proud little girl who got a flower when she crossed the finish line along with her purple ribbon.  She was so impressed that they knew her favorite color!  The race shirt is purple too!  Addi even won a raffle was a little backpack.  Addi had a matching bib to mine...I made it!  The kids didn't get issued a bib and I thought she needed one.  

Dress Up

So one day this is what Addi came dressed in....she even rigged up a way to carry her dog!  This dog is named Whiskers and it came from the junk store (despite my best efforts).  Addi had an entire story about how she rescued Wiskers!  Now the dog has to go everywhere with us in his little dog purse!  


For a moment...just one....our house was quiet!  Addi and Landon decided that they both liked painting.  Landon looks like he was painting himself....not too surprised there.  He will draw on himself and then come and tell me "happy"'  At Sams club when we leave they put a happy face on his hand.  Well, he thinks it is a good idea to extend that a bit!  Thankfully they haven't done that for awhile!

Addi's FIRST sleepover!!

August 26
So Addi had her very first sleepover!  We wanted to get it in before school started.  Addi and Sophia had both been asking for a sleepover for awhile now!  It was tons of fun!!  Even the Mommy's got to have some fun!
Best Friends!
 So we had a little spa day with the sleepover!  The girls were soaking their feet while they watched the Lorax!  
 They got to do satin hands when they were done and then put lotion on their hands....thanks Bill for the uniform gloves!!! They came in handy!
 Casie and I with a mud mask from the dead sea on!  Bill bought it for me when he went to Jordan!  
 The two not so sleepy girls.  Everything went perfectly there were no tears or fighting or anything like that....they did get up at 4:30 and despite my best efforts to get them to go back to bed I don't think it worked.  Oh well...that is what a sleepover is all about!  

Air Show

So at the last minute Jess called and asked if we wanted to go with her and Bo to the air show.  Having nothing going on we said sure!  I had no idea Landon would think it was so cool.  It was super hot and humid but it was fun.  Landon got so excited when he saw the planes.  "Panes mommy, go fast" We are surely going to have to take in the Blue Angels once we get to the D.C. area!  Some of it was a little crazy to looked like they were going to run into the ground!  

 3 cute kiddos!
 A second after this was taken Landon tried going past the rope trying to get into the cockpit!  
 We HAD to pose by the big N which of COURSE stands for NESBITT!!!
 Addi posing for the camera once again!!

So when we left we were all hot and thirsty.  We decided to get some ice cream at McDonalds and go back to Jess's house.  We go through the drive through and as we are leaving Landon is in the backseat and all I hear is "excited"along with a little clap!  He just makes me laugh!  Poor kiddo is like his momma...he gets excited over the smallest little things!  


So here are some random funny photos.  Landon has taken a liking to Addison's boots.  This pair of winter boots and an old pair of flowered rain boots.  Here he decided to go all out and add the silver dance gloves!  I am not so sure what to think!  I know what Daddy is thinking....
I am not sure what Addi is doing here besides posing for the camera.  She likes to do that!  And since she is adorable this mommy is more than willing to snap away! 

 So Addison is getting ready to start Pre-K this year.  She is super excited and very ready.  She already knows lots of people in her class so that is nice.  Not that she has a hard time making friends!  We got to meet her teacher Ms. Perez.  She is super sweet!

Landon LOVES his Vikings shirt.  He likes it because it is like Daddy's....well, he thinks everything he wears is just like Daddy!  He says it nearly every time he gets dressed.  "Shirt....Daddy's".  He surely loves his Daddy!
 I am quite certain that Landon thinks he gets to go to school too!  I am a little worried how it is going to go!  This summer Addi went to Princess camp for and hour and a half a day for a week and Landon couldn't stop saying her name!  Hopefully we will find some fun stuff to do together!

Birthday Recap.....

I had an AMAZING birthday!  Thank you to everyone who made it a special day!  I woke up with the biggest hug in the world by my perfect little girl!  I can't believe she remembered!  At 9:30, with me still in my PJ's drinking coffee Casie and Renee showed up and brought me to a spa compliments of my husband.  Even from a million miles away he made my birthday special!  I am certainly one lucky lady!   Of course there was coffee waiting for me in Renee's car!  Casie took my kiddos.  After the spa Renee picked me up and we met Casie at Foodies for lunch.  What a neat place.  The food was delish!  It was right next to the Tea Smith, which I had never been to, so we went in there for some bubble tea.  It was so cool.  It was like iced tea with these little balls in it.  It was super good.  Casie also arranged for a sitter to come to my house to watch Addi and Landon while we went to lunch.  Once I got home my friend Beth stopped over with an Eileens cookie.  yummy!  THEN I get a text from Casie to look in the fridge.  It was my most FAVORITE cake in the whole world!  Strawberry wedding cake from Wheatfields!  BIG YUM-O!  Oh and when I arrived home, being dropped off by Renee, Vernon ran up the hill with iced coffee for both of us!  How sweet!  My sister, Trent and Lucas sent me flowers, I got oodles of calls and happy birthday wishes on facebook.  I just spent the day feeling very loved!  Then after bedtime Renee and Jess stopped over to have cake and wine!

Then on tuesday I was able to have lunch with my friend Paula!  Nothing like extending your birthday a bit!  It was great and thank you all for making me feel so special!  Funny Landon comment....I was getting ready to go and was wearing a tank top and capri's.  I had a little sweater to go over my tank top and I put it on.  Landon who was standing there said "cute".  I nearly melted.  Geez he got all kinds of traits from his Daddy!!