Friday, August 17, 2012

Minnesota....last summer trip!

So, we headed north yet again last week.  We traveled up for a wedding on friday night, congrats to Tim & Bri Asmus!  It was a beautiful wedding and Addi had a great time...she was my date and a very good one at that!

On Saturday morning I got the pleasure of helping out at Blomket's newest little antique shop.  Trash 2 Treasures was open and I was able to go and help Kelly!  It was a great deal of fun apart from dropping a table leaf on my toe.  I am just hoping that it will be healed well enough to finish training for and run my half marathon in September.  If not I suppose I have a good excuse for my crappy time!

Sunday brought us a bit south to Fairmont.  We stopped in to see Auntie, Uncle Trent, Lucas (totas according to Landon) and of course Maggie!  We got to hang out with Lucas on Monday and Tuesday while auntie and Uncle T worked...daycare had the week off.  I had a great time and of course Lucas couldn't escape without a photo shoot!  He LOVES the camera!  It is great!  He will smile away! Addi and Landon also got to feed the ducks, go to the park and the fair!  Landon was all about the cows (tows) until he got there....then he wanted nothing to do with them.  He did love the tractors though! Addi had fun as well.  I think she liked the rides!

Farmer Landon....he loves sticking his hand in his pocket...i think it is so funny!
 One of the MANY tractors we had to sit on...
 The rides...I think both Addi and Landon had a great time!  

 MORE tractors!
 Cute Cousins...for now....give it a couple of years...yikes!!

 At the park
 Lucas LOVES being outside too..
 What a sweet little man!  Love You Lucas (8 months)!!

 Landon and Lucas playing with the doll house...Addi was sleeping!
 Daddy and Luc-man
 Feeding the ducks..they both loved it!

 Lovin the swing!
 Landon helping

 Three adorable kiddos...the boys are way more into the grass than the picture!
I was a great we have to switch gears and start thinking about school.  Addi starts after Labor  day which is nice.   

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