Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Last bit of summer Fun!!

Addi and Sarah took an afternoon to put make up on and do their nails.  I think they had fun!  However, the next day when we went somewhere Addi decided to put on some more makeup and I didn't notice.  We were out running errands and I look over and she is covered in blue eye shadow.  Even though it is kids stuff it sure doesn't come off easy!  I tried with little success! 

 Trying on outfits...this is what resulted as we were cleaning out Addison's closet figuring out what fit and what didn't.  This was declared the first day of school outfit.  Ummm I am glad she could be convinced otherwise!!!

 So messy fun!!  Shaving cream cupcakes with water bead sprinkles!  Note to self...next time outside is a GREAT choice!!!!

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