On Thursday we went down to the Orpheum for bee practice! Addison wasn't scared at all. It was kinda strange that I just left her and someone walked her back to the dressing room. I had another mission. I was going to make sure one way or another that I got a picture of my little bee. So, I talked to someone who assured me that I would be able to get a picture.....whew!
Addi waiting with some other bees to go down to the dressing room!
backstage....here is where she had to go!
So I parked next to a lady who also had a bee so we walked in together. She was a parent volunteer so she was staying. When I came back out to our car to go home she was also there and we were talking. I asked how it went and she said that her Gabriella got a little scared...to the point of tears. But Addison made her feel better. I asked Addi about it, "Yeah, Gabriella was a little scared so we jumped around a little bit and then she was happy." Ahh if everything could be solved by just jumping around a little bit!! I adore my little girl who is so sweet! I know I am more nervous than Addi for sure!
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