So, we are trying really hard to stay busy. This week it is Spring Break for Addison. We have had an Easter egg hunt, a tour of Rotellas (the bread factory) and today we went to the Fontenelle Forrest for their preschool program. We are all still missing Bill oodles but we are trying to do what we can to make the time has been a week closer to seeing him!
The Easter Egg hunt was fun...once Landon realized there were "balls" it was difficult to hold him back. Addison had fun picking up eggs and helping her brother. Landon surely liked what he found inside. Leaving the park was a disaster. We had skipped morning nap for Landon which is NEVER a good thing. I felt like THAT mom carrying Landon sideways from the park. Once naps were had everything was much better!

Next was a tour of Rotella's Bakery. We went with Sophia, Mitchell, Audrey and Taylor. It was lots of fun. We had to wear hair nets and Addi's hair was in pig barely fit. I thought we were going to need one for each piggy! But she got in on and looked like a little cupcake instead!
While we were waiting Landon was able to get out of his stroller for a few minutes... well this is what he decided to do...crawl in the basket under the stroller. Seriously??? He is my little trouble maker!
Mudpies....the program at Fontenelle was lots of fun and there are many things for the kiddos to do. Here Addi and Landon were playing in a bucket of corn. I think they had a lot of fun. There are some fun trails there too.

The play area outside even has some musical instruments!

I HAD to take a picture of Landon because he was playing nicely by himself. Landon doesn't like to play alone very much. He would much rather be entertained by Addison or Mommy!

I laughed out loud seeing Addie's face with her hair net on. LOL. So funny.
I think Addie looks like Toad (the mushroom guy on MarioKart). Love it! Selfishly I do enjoy more updates of your two babes now that the hubby is away. I guess there has to be some perks! When can we come visit?!
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