Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Break

So I am WAY behind on my updates but time just gets away from me. Addi had spring break the first week in April. There were a couple of nice days.

Making our own chalk

One of Addi's many many colorful outfits!

We were excited to prepare to celebrate Grandma's birthday with her. Nana and Papa rode to Omaha with Auntie Brenda and Uncle Jim. They came to visit Jim's brother but we got to see them too! It was lots of fun. We hope that Nana had a good birthday weekend! Thanks to Bill and my Dad we got our fence fixed too. The winter and the Nebraska wind wasn't too kind to it but it is in tip top shape now! Thanks for all your hard work Dad and Bill!

Making Grandma's cake...there was lots of love put into this one! Both Addi and Landon "helped". It was a fun cake to make. It was a new recipe from foodnetwork....I don't sift flower for just anyone...Happy Birthday Mom!

Auntie Brenda and Landon

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