Happy Easter! We were lucky enough to spend Easter in Willmar with Nana and Papa and Auntie and Uncle T. It was a bit on the chilly side but it was a good trip. Addison was really excited about finding Easter Eggs this year. She was all excited that there was a purple (her favorite color) egg under her bed. Landon of course was happy when he found a basket to knock over. He is on the move. He has been pulling himself on things now. He will get to his knees and not know what to do from there....yet! His little seal-like crawl gets him places super fast.
Mommy's Little Bunny
I took pictures last week of the kiddos...thanks Auntie Pat for the cute outfit! It was nearly impossible to get Landon to sit still. Addison on the other hand is all excited to pose! She is such a funny girl!
Last week we had an Easter Egg hunt for my MOPS group. Landon thought the grass was most interesting. Addison wasn't too sure what to do. She got her allowed 10 eggs and that was good. She got three Reese Peanut Butter eggs which would be great for most people...but she HATES peanut butter. So, she gave them to her friend Susie. Since it was too cold for a picnic at the park we had a carpet picnic at home with Susie and Maria.
Our new little trick...Landon will pull himself up in his crib to his knees and then not know what to do and start crying. He thinks that the chairs are lots of fun!!
Landon at 8 months