Landon has been waiting and waiting for teeth....nothing yet. He is getting so big. I am very sad that I am soon going to have to relinquish the carrier car seat as he is getting too heavy. Even thought it is a lot to carry it is easier than taking him in and out of a car seat. Oh well. We are anxious to see at his 6 month check up how much he weighs. Landon has very little interest in sitting up by himself...he just wants to crawl. He adores his sister and watches her every chance he gets. He gets around the room very well by rolling. Well, until he gets stuck but then you surely hear about it.
Here are some recent photos of our little man....he has been doing a good job sleeping lately so that makes the entire family very very happy!

Landon likes his highchair a lot. He thinks it is a great place to hang out. I think he likes being able to see everything. He just looks so tiny in it!

Oh, I love a little guy in a cap. His eyes really light up with it on! I think Abbott is trying to stay neck and neck with Landon. He is the size of most of our friend's 6 month olds, we'll see if that includes your little man too!
I love his eyes.
Six months already?! Time flies. Cute sweater!
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