Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Addison is so excited about Ballet. So much so that we enrolled her in a class. She is now officially a little dancer at Mary Lorraine's Dance Studio. It is a cute little place not far from where we live. It is set up really well with built in parents days to get them ready for the crowd they will perform for in the spring. Here is our little ballerina!

Hard Wired...
It is so funny to me that kids are just hard wired to like certain things. If it is pink or purple and sparkles Addi loves it. Landon was sitting in his exersaucer last night and he was beating at his toys with all is might. The difference between boys and girls!
Here Addi is with her friend Mitchell who looks adorable in the fire fighter costume. They were playing one day when Renee and I were working on some invitations. They are cute little friends and I am happy that his mom is so great!!
Here Addi is with her friend Mitchell who looks adorable in the fire fighter costume. They were playing one day when Renee and I were working on some invitations. They are cute little friends and I am happy that his mom is so great!!
Our little Landon
Landon has been waiting and waiting for teeth....nothing yet. He is getting so big. I am very sad that I am soon going to have to relinquish the carrier car seat as he is getting too heavy. Even thought it is a lot to carry it is easier than taking him in and out of a car seat. Oh well. We are anxious to see at his 6 month check up how much he weighs. Landon has very little interest in sitting up by himself...he just wants to crawl. He adores his sister and watches her every chance he gets. He gets around the room very well by rolling. Well, until he gets stuck but then you surely hear about it.
Here are some recent photos of our little man....he has been doing a good job sleeping lately so that makes the entire family very very happy!

Landon likes his highchair a lot. He thinks it is a great place to hang out. I think he likes being able to see everything. He just looks so tiny in it!

Here are some recent photos of our little man....he has been doing a good job sleeping lately so that makes the entire family very very happy!
Landon likes his highchair a lot. He thinks it is a great place to hang out. I think he likes being able to see everything. He just looks so tiny in it!
Monday, January 17, 2011
What do ya think?
So, I have been looking online at photos and I had been seeing this set up that was so adorable it was a hard wood floor or barn floor. There were lots of ways to set it up and I just had to try it. Here are the results......What do you think?
Addi is dressed in a princess dress, which other than ballet clothes is what you will find her in. She is so excited about ballet right now and actually we just enrolled her in a dance class. I think she will have lots of fun. And if Taylor Swift is on she HAS to have a dress is a rule in her little head. She says so many funny things I was making dinner one night and I don't even remember what we were talking about and her response was "You have got to be kidding me.' I just started do you not?

My cute little man...

Addi is dressed in a princess dress, which other than ballet clothes is what you will find her in. She is so excited about ballet right now and actually we just enrolled her in a dance class. I think she will have lots of fun. And if Taylor Swift is on she HAS to have a dress is a rule in her little head. She says so many funny things I was making dinner one night and I don't even remember what we were talking about and her response was "You have got to be kidding me.' I just started do you not?
My cute little man...
Having Fun...
So Landon was lookin cute and for once wasn't covered in spit up so I decided to snap some is fun to just shoot and see what you come up with. And when you have cute subjects it isn't too hard!

Landon LOVES his sister. He just watches her and tries to follow her everywhere....and lucky for mommy and daddy it is just with his eyes...but that will change sooner than we would like. He is trying so hard to crawl. He wants to but he just can't get everything working at the same time. Now he just face plants on his blanket. He likes to rock too. So the exersaucer is one of his favorite toys. He doesn't like the bumbo chair too much and Addi just loved that thing. It is just funny to watch how they are so different.

Landon LOVES his sister. He just watches her and tries to follow her everywhere....and lucky for mommy and daddy it is just with his eyes...but that will change sooner than we would like. He is trying so hard to crawl. He wants to but he just can't get everything working at the same time. Now he just face plants on his blanket. He likes to rock too. So the exersaucer is one of his favorite toys. He doesn't like the bumbo chair too much and Addi just loved that thing. It is just funny to watch how they are so different.
Like Father Like Son!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Happy New Year!!
I know this is a little late but I had to share these pictures. We had a great New with family and junk food....what could be better!!
I saw this little onsie and thought of Uncle Trent because he always says, "I am formal but I am here to party"!!
Landon certainly loves the camera. He was just laughing when we took these pictures.

I saw this little onsie and thought of Uncle Trent because he always says, "I am formal but I am here to party"!!
Landon certainly loves the camera. He was just laughing when we took these pictures.
Christmas Craziness!
We had a wonderful Christmas! We were able to spend some time in Minnesota and the weather was a lot more cooperative this year. Bill had to come back to Omaha and work a few days but Addison, Landon and I stayed in MN.
One bundled up baby boy!

Christmas Morning
Addison asked Santa for one thing and it was the same every time you asked her. She wanted a Corduroy bear! Well Santa (Nana) came through. Addison was excited but a bit overwhelmed. Opening presents became an all day event. Addi is happy with whatever toy she gets and is content to play with that or help others open their presents. She is incredibly grateful and very sweet! Is there a way to bottle this for her teenage years?

Landon's First Christmas

Addi's Twin! We found a company My Twinn that makes a doll that looks just like your child. Addison always looks at the hair of the dolls and notices that it isn't like hers. Well, with this company we were able to make it exactly like hers. I think they did a pretty good job. There is something not quite exact about the eyes but I am sure there is only so much they can change.

A Christmas Tradition

Every year since Addi has been born my mom has made us all matching PJ pants. This year Addi and Landon got matching jammies too.
Christmas Day we were able to play outside. Papa made Addison a big hill to sled down. She was very excited about it. Auntie and Papa and I went out with Addi. I am not sure who had more fun. I think our little snow bunny would have stayed out there all day. I of course got cold and wanted some hot chocolate (nothing has changed from when I was little)!

Christmas with the Skindelien's!! It was so much fun to see everyone on Sunday! Almost all the Skindelien's were in one about crazy but tons of fun!! Thanks Jody and Janel for hosting!!

Another highlight of our little Minnesota vacation was seeing some of my high school friends. It was crazy that we all had babies within 3 months of each other. It was so fun to take pictures of all the adorable babies! Landon looks like a giant. He is the oldest but still!
Amber and Kyla, Jill and Elise, Em and Abbot and Me and Landon!

Nana and Addi took a walk outside with Sidney. I think Sidney thought they were crazy!!

Cute Picture...
One bundled up baby boy!

Christmas Morning
Addison asked Santa for one thing and it was the same every time you asked her. She wanted a Corduroy bear! Well Santa (Nana) came through. Addison was excited but a bit overwhelmed. Opening presents became an all day event. Addi is happy with whatever toy she gets and is content to play with that or help others open their presents. She is incredibly grateful and very sweet! Is there a way to bottle this for her teenage years?
Landon's First Christmas
Addi's Twin! We found a company My Twinn that makes a doll that looks just like your child. Addison always looks at the hair of the dolls and notices that it isn't like hers. Well, with this company we were able to make it exactly like hers. I think they did a pretty good job. There is something not quite exact about the eyes but I am sure there is only so much they can change.
A Christmas Tradition
Every year since Addi has been born my mom has made us all matching PJ pants. This year Addi and Landon got matching jammies too.
Christmas Day we were able to play outside. Papa made Addison a big hill to sled down. She was very excited about it. Auntie and Papa and I went out with Addi. I am not sure who had more fun. I think our little snow bunny would have stayed out there all day. I of course got cold and wanted some hot chocolate (nothing has changed from when I was little)!
Christmas with the Skindelien's!! It was so much fun to see everyone on Sunday! Almost all the Skindelien's were in one about crazy but tons of fun!! Thanks Jody and Janel for hosting!!
Another highlight of our little Minnesota vacation was seeing some of my high school friends. It was crazy that we all had babies within 3 months of each other. It was so fun to take pictures of all the adorable babies! Landon looks like a giant. He is the oldest but still!
Amber and Kyla, Jill and Elise, Em and Abbot and Me and Landon!
Nana and Addi took a walk outside with Sidney. I think Sidney thought they were crazy!!
Cute Picture...

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