Landon has been a busy boy lately! There have been lots of new things in his little world. For starters he has been eating solid foods. At his 4 month appointment the Dr said that we could start introducing them. The cereal...well he didn't like it much and really I can't blame him. It is stinky and if it tastes anything like it smells....yuck! But he does love his long as they are orange. He DOES NOT like peas. Daddy usually feeds him at night before bed so if we are lucky he will have a full tummy and sleep through the whole night. I don't think that Landon and I talked enough while he was in my tummy about the importance of NOT BEING A MESSY BIRD! I will let the picture say the rest.....

Landon is also on the move! He loves to roll around in circles on the floor. He loves to watch Addison and lately she has been in ballet mode. Every chance she gets she is in a leotard, tights and ballet shoes.

1 comment:
Can't wait to see you guys. Love those chunky wrists on Mr. Landon and the crazy hair continues-love it!
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