Landon is doing well. We are both a little sleepy since we are still figuring out when to sleep and eat but it is going well. We had our two day check up and he lost a little weight. Well, about a pound. So, just like with Addi we have to do weight checks. The Dr also took care of his little skin tags and cut them off. I think they were kind of bugging him so it is nice that it is taken care of. We really like the pediatrician that we had in the hospital so we are going to try and switch to her permanently but that means dealing with tricare. Ahhh. It was a mess trying to make his two day appointment at the base. Then someone told us that we could go to the same Dr we saw in the that is what we did. We will have to figure it all out. But if I don't have to deal with the base clinic that would be great!
Here are a couple of pictures of our adorable little boy....with LOTS AND LOTS of hair! It just makes me laugh when I look at him. He looks like a little old man.
Yeah, new pics. That made my day to see your little man again. You are so right, with the hair he looks so big. With his eyes so alert he doesn't even look like a newborn. So glad to hear all is going well. Can't wait to meet him in person, but until then, keep the pics coming!
Look at all that hair. He is so cute, and tiny. I am glad Addi is adjusting well. Soon enough she will be showing him how to do everything. Thanks for the update!
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