Friday, August 27, 2010
Great Weather!
We have had some awesome weather lately. Today we had a little outing after nap time..we went to the park down the street. Addison had a great time running. Her hair bouncing all over the place. Landon had a nice little snooze.

Its time for PRESCHOOL!!
I can not believe that it is time for Addison to start preschool already. On thursday we had her orientation for school. It was so nice that Bill was able to come too. Addi was quiet at first but opened up after she started exploring the room and meeting other kids. She and Sophie are going to be in the same class so that will be nice. Addi's teacher Mrs. Ziemba is so great. She has been teaching preschool for a long time and has a perfect system for everything. I am very excited to see how the year goes.
Funny side we are on our way to the preschool and there was a lady crossing the street wearing a berka. Addison just randomly says "Oh look she is halloween". Bill and I just started laughing. I guess we need some diversity training at the Nesbitt house!

Funny side we are on our way to the preschool and there was a lady crossing the street wearing a berka. Addison just randomly says "Oh look she is halloween". Bill and I just started laughing. I guess we need some diversity training at the Nesbitt house!

My Birthday, Trip to MN...
It was a fun birthday weekend. We got to spend it in MN. It was great to be around family and friends. The trip there was a little painful though. A 5 1/2 hour trip took 7 hours. But it was worth it. It is the first time much of our family got to meet Landon and we had a bridal shower for one of my soon-to-be aunts. It is so nice to be able to live close enough where that is an option.
We made a trip up to see Great Grandma and Grandpa. Great Grandpa calls Bill the "Big Swede" and took to calling Landon the "Little Swede" right away. So of course he needed a shirt!
We made a trip up to see Great Grandma and Grandpa. Great Grandpa calls Bill the "Big Swede" and took to calling Landon the "Little Swede" right away. So of course he needed a shirt!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Big Sister Pictures too
Two Weeks Old!
Our little Landon is two weeks old...well was yesterday...mommy is a little slow on the post!

We had fun taking new pictures of our adorable kiddos. Bill, Addi and Landon gave me some fun new backdrops (fabric or blankets if you ask Addison) for my little photo set up. It was lots of fun to play is pretty easy when you have cute subjects!
We had fun taking new pictures of our adorable kiddos. Bill, Addi and Landon gave me some fun new backdrops (fabric or blankets if you ask Addison) for my little photo set up. It was lots of fun to play is pretty easy when you have cute subjects!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Follow-up Visit
Today we had a follow-up visit for me. It was just to make sure the stitches were looking okay. Everything looked great! I was just going to go by myself but realized if Addison knew I went to her favorite Dr office without her it would be bad. So, Addi and I went while Daddy and Landon stayed at home. Addison has gotten so much love from all the people in this office. But especially the two ladies that work at the front desk, Michelle and Barb. Addi LOVES them!! Today they had a special treat for Addison. Barb made Addi a hat. It is the cutest thing ever and Addison wore it all day! I feel so lucky to have been referred to that office (thanks Case). Our entire experience with all the staff at the clinic and hospital was just wonderful.
This afternoon we went to the park Addison, Landon and I and she wore her cute little hat! She looked so cute bopping around the park in her little hat. I took a couple of pictures of my little girl who some how while I was in the hospital grew up so much. It seems like those couple of days I was gone she just got so much taller, her vocabulary expanded and she just became this little girl. Probably because we were now comparing her to an infant. But anyway, she is still our adorable, lovable little peanut!

This afternoon we went to the park Addison, Landon and I and she wore her cute little hat! She looked so cute bopping around the park in her little hat. I took a couple of pictures of my little girl who some how while I was in the hospital grew up so much. It seems like those couple of days I was gone she just got so much taller, her vocabulary expanded and she just became this little girl. Probably because we were now comparing her to an infant. But anyway, she is still our adorable, lovable little peanut!

Lemonade Stand
This past weekend well Friday and Saturday our neighbor had a garage sale. Her granddaughter came over to help her and had a lemonade stand. She wanted to know if Addi wanted to help. Saturday morning Addi went over to "help" for a little while. She had SO MUCH FUN! McKayla, Allison, Tonya and Sandi were so good to her. She came home with lots of treats and having had so much fun. We are so lucky to have such great neighbors on both sides!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Our Funny Little Girl....
So we were eating dinner and Addison told Bill to feel her muscles. He did...and she said "I am so buff". Both of us just started laughing. I asked her later where she heard that word and she said from Daddy. I haven't heard Daddy use that word much but it still made me laugh that she said she got it from Daddy!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Just Like Mommy!
So last night I had a free five minutes between when I was done feeding Landon and when I had to start again....well that is what it feels like anyway! But in that time I was in the kitchen talking to Bill....and when I looked out in the living room this is what I saw..

I am actually surprised it took as long as it did. Here she is just talking to Elmo, has her shirt pulled up and the boppy in her lap. She even has this glazed over look on her face that I must have. I did forget how often infants need to eat and how little sleep that leaves! But we are doing well and figuring everything out again. It is worth every sleepy moment when I look at Landon he is such a cutie!
I am actually surprised it took as long as it did. Here she is just talking to Elmo, has her shirt pulled up and the boppy in her lap. She even has this glazed over look on her face that I must have. I did forget how often infants need to eat and how little sleep that leaves! But we are doing well and figuring everything out again. It is worth every sleepy moment when I look at Landon he is such a cutie!
Loving her Baby Brother!
Addison is really loving her new role as a Big Sister! As Bill and I were getting things ready to go to the Dr earlier this week Addison took it upon her self to read her baby brother some books. I just thought that was too cute! I am so lucky! I have two adorable kiddos and a great husband who has been so helpful and supportive these last couple of weeks! Thanks Baby I LOVE YOU!

Addison has finally found someone to listen to her ramblings! Here she was telling Landon all about her painted finger nails and toe nails.
Addison has finally found someone to listen to her ramblings! Here she was telling Landon all about her painted finger nails and toe nails.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Daddy & Addi
Addison has been LOVING her time with her Daddy. Today she was SO excited because she got to go the gym with him. She took her nap as soon as she was done eating lunch just so she could be ready. You really would have thought the girl was going to Disney World. I went to get her up from her nap and she was awake and jumped out of her bed talking like crazy about how she was going to go to the gym with Daddy.
I guess there is a girl at the gym and her name is Addi too. Bill was telling Addison this and she was just thrilled. A girl named Addi who is strong. Whoa! She got lots of compliments on how well behaved she was...and told lots of stories about who knows what! Her and Daddy even got to try out the rings!!

I guess there is a girl at the gym and her name is Addi too. Bill was telling Addison this and she was just thrilled. A girl named Addi who is strong. Whoa! She got lots of compliments on how well behaved she was...and told lots of stories about who knows what! Her and Daddy even got to try out the rings!!

Monday, August 9, 2010
Landon's Hospital Photo Shoot
Here is the link to the photos that were taken at the hospital....
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Our Cute Little Boy!
So we are at home and are continuing to adjust. We had family here until today. It was nice that Addison was entertained the whole time. I thought it would be really hard for her but she seems to be doing okay. She got to run to the grocery store with Daddy today and came back with a Dora movie to watch...she was SO excited. With it being crazy hot it was a nice inside activity. I am not sure Bill was all about Dora though.
Landon is doing well. We are both a little sleepy since we are still figuring out when to sleep and eat but it is going well. We had our two day check up and he lost a little weight. Well, about a pound. So, just like with Addi we have to do weight checks. The Dr also took care of his little skin tags and cut them off. I think they were kind of bugging him so it is nice that it is taken care of. We really like the pediatrician that we had in the hospital so we are going to try and switch to her permanently but that means dealing with tricare. Ahhh. It was a mess trying to make his two day appointment at the base. Then someone told us that we could go to the same Dr we saw in the that is what we did. We will have to figure it all out. But if I don't have to deal with the base clinic that would be great!
Here are a couple of pictures of our adorable little boy....with LOTS AND LOTS of hair! It just makes me laugh when I look at him. He looks like a little old man.

Landon is doing well. We are both a little sleepy since we are still figuring out when to sleep and eat but it is going well. We had our two day check up and he lost a little weight. Well, about a pound. So, just like with Addi we have to do weight checks. The Dr also took care of his little skin tags and cut them off. I think they were kind of bugging him so it is nice that it is taken care of. We really like the pediatrician that we had in the hospital so we are going to try and switch to her permanently but that means dealing with tricare. Ahhh. It was a mess trying to make his two day appointment at the base. Then someone told us that we could go to the same Dr we saw in the that is what we did. We will have to figure it all out. But if I don't have to deal with the base clinic that would be great!
Here are a couple of pictures of our adorable little boy....with LOTS AND LOTS of hair! It just makes me laugh when I look at him. He looks like a little old man.
Just Like Auntie
Coming HOME!!
We were able to come home on Thursday morning. When we first got there they were talking about keeping us there until Friday. I think that would have felt like FOREVER! We were very excited to be home. Hospital beds just aren't comfy and the thing that Bill had to sleep on...oh boy not comfortable is an understatement.
We had an excited Nana waiting for us at the door. Addi went with Auntie to get some REAL decaf! So we were able to get Landon a little settled....
Daddy and Landon....the Football pose! Bill is so cute with Landon. I just find him looking at him gleaming. It melts my heart every time!

Addi found Landon in his little crib and was so excited...

Holding Baby Landon

Big Sister Kisses...
We had an excited Nana waiting for us at the door. Addi went with Auntie to get some REAL decaf! So we were able to get Landon a little settled....
Daddy and Landon....the Football pose! Bill is so cute with Landon. I just find him looking at him gleaming. It melts my heart every time!
Addi found Landon in his little crib and was so excited...
Holding Baby Landon
Big Sister Kisses...
Family Pictures...
Here is our PERFECT little Family....

Nana, Papa, Addi, Landon and Mommy...
We are very thankful that Nana and Papa got to be here to meet Landon right away this time. They had to wait a month before they got to meet Addison. We are also VERY VERY Thankful for all the help. It was so nice to know that Addison was loving her time with Nana and Papa and we just didn't have to worry. Thanks for all the help!
Nana, Papa, Addi, Landon and Mommy...
We are very thankful that Nana and Papa got to be here to meet Landon right away this time. They had to wait a month before they got to meet Addison. We are also VERY VERY Thankful for all the help. It was so nice to know that Addison was loving her time with Nana and Papa and we just didn't have to worry. Thanks for all the help!
Hospital Stay
Well, I have been super slow to get these posts up! They have been formulating in my mind but slow to make it to the screen. Sorry it took so long for us to post the initial to pack a USB cord and the connection was a little slow for photos. So Bill just ran home to upload them later in the day.
Everything went really well. Our Doctor, Dr. Collins, was great. The nurses were so nice and even the people that brought your food were so super sweet. I feel lucky that we got to deliver there and were able to take advantage of the great care!
Daddy caught us taking a snooze at the hospital....

Auntie and Landon
We are lucky that auntie was able to come and see Landon too. She had a little adventure on the way. Her car broke down in Sheldon, IA. So, Uncle Trent had to go and pick her up and Nana and Papa left from Omaha to meet them. The car was fixed there and she picked it up on her way home. It all worked was just a little delayed. We are glad that she was able to come and meet Landon and hang out with Addi. Addi seemed to have a great time!

Hospital Photos... There is a photographer that comes in before you are discharged to take a photo for the web site....she took a photo with Daddy and Landon....
Everything went really well. Our Doctor, Dr. Collins, was great. The nurses were so nice and even the people that brought your food were so super sweet. I feel lucky that we got to deliver there and were able to take advantage of the great care!
Daddy caught us taking a snooze at the hospital....

Auntie and Landon
We are lucky that auntie was able to come and see Landon too. She had a little adventure on the way. Her car broke down in Sheldon, IA. So, Uncle Trent had to go and pick her up and Nana and Papa left from Omaha to meet them. The car was fixed there and she picked it up on her way home. It all worked was just a little delayed. We are glad that she was able to come and meet Landon and hang out with Addi. Addi seemed to have a great time!
Hospital Photos... There is a photographer that comes in before you are discharged to take a photo for the web site....she took a photo with Daddy and Landon....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Introducing Landon James Nesbitt
We are incredibly happy and blessed to welcome into our family Landon James Nesbitt! He was born this morning at 7:58 weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces and measuring 21.5 inches long. Both Jenni and Landon are doing great! Jenni will definitely have more to say on this blog a bit later, but I just wanted to make the quick announcement and send a link to the pictures.
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