Tonight was our first night of swimming lessons!! Casie, my awesome neighbor, used to work at a pool and got us an awesome deal for private lessons. So tonight was the first session. It was only Addison and Sophie in the pool for most of the time. There was another child there with his mom. Addi did well, she was a little timid and really, really, really cold. I felt so bad...she just shivered. He little curls bouncing.
We spent most of the day talking about swimming lessons and we came home from getting the oil changed and Addi looked out the window at the pool and said "Mommy, we have to move all the snow!" I just laughed and told her that we were going to a different pool. She was sure okay with that! I am worried that Addison got my coordination...which means she has none! Lets hope not!!! I do have to remember that it is the first time she has done this in a long time and she is only two. I am hoping that we can use the pool to practice for the next few months before ours gets opened. At this rate it might be August before it is open!
Hey Jenni, I would put her in long sleeves and maybe even tights to help keep her warm. I used to tell my parents that when I taught swim lessons. Or they have those UV long sleeved shirts that are great too.
Good Luck. Tell Addi I said Hi and that I can't wait to swim with her some day.
Thanks Rayna..I will have to try that this week! You are so smart!!!!
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