We are pretty much snowed in! The base got closed (along with everything else) today. We have probably about 7 inches of snow and it is supposed to be starting to blow around tonight causing blizzard like conditions! I am glad we don't have anywhere to go! Bill was supposed to sing in a Star Wars concert and was on the way but turned around cause the roads were yucky.
Addison had fun in the snow today. At first she wanted me to hold her..but once she figured out how to walk in her boots than she was okay with it. She had fun trying to do exactly what Daddy was doing! Enjoy the pictures...and we hope you don't get snowed in!!!
Looks like you may need to invest in a snowblower. Makes for great sledding and snow fort piles. I'm guessing it will remain for a white Christmas?!
she is so little next to Bill.
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