Saturday, July 4, 2009

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

Yea! It is my favorite holiday!!! It has been kinda yucky here. The rain has been coming and going and it is overcast. So no pool time....but we still have had a wonderful 4th of July! We had our neighbors, Vernon, Casie, Sophie and Vollen over. It was perfect! The girls had a fun time playing too! I was very excited to host a 4th of July celebration. Bill called me the Independence Elf yesterday! Our house is all festive and get front of every house in our entire subdivision there is a little flag near the curb. I guess this tradition has been going on for 20 years in this neighborhood. How cool is that. I loved our neighborhood before...but now I really love it!

My hope is that everyone has a wonderfuly enjoyable and safe 4th of July holiday. Make sure to stop and remember all of our troops serving overseas and the important job that they are doing.


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