So, it has again been too long since I have updated our blog. But this time I have an excuse. Bill and I spent the weekend and begining of the week in D.C. He had to go for work so I went along. Addison went to spend some time in MN. First with On-ie and Uncle T and then with Nana and Papa. It was really strange not having her there but it was nice too. It really gave Bill and I some time to recharge and remember how relaxing our world used to be. We are dying to see Addi but I think in the end it is just better for everyone! We all appreciate eachother a bit more. Bill is SO sweet..he sent me to a spa one day. It was so fun to be pampered. I got a pedicure,manicure, haircut and my eyebrows waxed for the very first time ever (see not a girly-girl!!) It was great! Thanks Baby! And then the strangest thing happened...the Navy got efficient and figured out the whole conference in a day so Bill and I got to go back to Annapolis for the day! It is such a cute little town. And it is fun to hear stories of Bill when he was a midshipmen. I truly love that place and just seeing Bill when he is there melts my heart! He has a lot of great memories. Thanks Mom, Dad, Steph and Trent for taking care of Addi! It meant the world to us to know that she was fine and loving every second. I will post some pics of Addi when I get them from Steph.
That is it for now...I need to go and get my adorable little Addison!
that is so great. I love your hair, it is getting so long.
Hey has been a struggle...but thanks to baseball hats I am doing okay!
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