Nana visited over the weekend and brought with a little surprise for Addison. She is such a girly girl and is very entertaining. She had a great time running around the house with her little outfit and liked how the fabric felt. She is so funny.
So after our company left we had to run to Target. As we were leaving Addison wanted something on the floor that I couldn't reach so I gave her a pack of gum that I had in the front to play with. My thought was she had no idea what to do with a pack of gum. I was very wrong. I get to the stop light and look back at her...she is chewing gum. I am not kidding. She took the gum out of the wrapper and was chewing it. I had to laugh and asked her to give it to me and she did...but I was just surprised. She is such a little sponge!
1 comment:
There is no baby here. We are in the market for a dog though.
I love all of the new posts.
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