Addison, Sidney and I made it safely to Chicago where we were met by my Mom and Dad. We were a bit delayed (5 HOURS) coming out of Rome. But it is to be expected since we flew Alitalia. I am so happy that I never again need to fly that airline. They weren't striking or anything...just being slow so all the schedules were messed up. It was a very long and painful process getting on the plane...but after that all went well.
Addison proved again to be a great little traveler. Since she has appointed herself to be the greeting committee she makes a lot of friends. Sidney, although a bit stressed is very happy. He spent the day sleeping and is now back to his old self. We all have a bit of jet lag and are still adjusting (the reason this post is coming at 5 am) but we are so happy to be in MN. We can't wait for Bill to get here!
One thing I did cold it is!! That is certainly a shock to the system. But if it means I am HOME I will figure it out. That is what heated car seats and electric start are for right??
Lotsa Love from Minnesota!!
The Nesbitt Girls and Sidney
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
On the Move Again.....
Hello everyone! It just doesn't slow down for us. We had a great vist to Greece with my Mom and Aunt and now we are packing out. The movers hit the ground running this morning around 8:30 (very early for Italian time). They were a great bunch of guys who of course loved Addison. That is one thing I will miss so much about Italy...Italians LOVE kids!!! Most of our house is packed and some if it is moved to the crates. It is crazy that it is actually happening. Addison and I travel on Friday! We fly from Rome to make it easier for Sidney. Traveling with a dog is such a huge pain!! We spent the better part of yesterday getting Sidney...the dog....a passport. I am not so sure that our house, after Sidney, will contain a four legged creature!
We are excited about what lies ahead but of course are sad to leave our friends that we have become so close to here. Home for the Holidays is having a very different meaning this year! We will actually be able to celebrate Christmas...on Christmas Day!!!
This will probalby be my last blog until I am once again back on American soil....I am so excited. So we ask that all of your thoughts and prayers come our way as we begin our adventure to our new place. An 11 hour flight with a 1 year old will certainly be a challenge but Addison is a great little traveler so I am hoping for the best!
Lotsa Love from Bella Napoli!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tre Amici
We finally found a time to arrange a photo shoot for the Tre Amici! The kiddos are in real pasta. Addison didn't like the way it felt on her feet but she was okay sitting in it eventually. It is one of our many fun memories of Italy. It is great to have a family in Italy as well as back home!! It is crazy that Addison, Sidney and I will be in the country for only 10 more days! We are all very excited about our new adventures in Omaha!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
26.2 Runner!!!
Time: 5:21:19
Net time 5:17:20
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
We hope that everyone had a wonderful Halloween! We went to the Halloween Spooktacular that was at Carney Park (one of the bases). There were lots of people therefore Addison had a great time. She was the cutest Lady Bug there! The pictures aren't great because the Lady Bug didn't want to sit still long enough to take a picture! She is certainly on the move...which is going to make for a difficult trans-atlantic flight here in a few weeks.
Race day is close!!! I am getting a little freaked out but think with all this moving junk filling my head I am going to need that 26.2 miles to sort it all out. We hope that you had a wonderful Halloween and enjoy the photos!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I am very happy to say that I completed a 20 mile run today. It was fairly uneventful..which is a very good thing. And I had enough energy to kick in gear for the last 100 meters!! The only item of note is the Neopolitan who thought it would be funny to swerve his car at me and proceed to laugh and yell out the window. There is just something not right about some of these people. I am looking forward to the mileage decreasing a bit and running through the leaves in the mid-west!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lookin for a Little Inspiration.....
Soon I will be standing in Greece at a start line ready to embark on 26.2 miles...something I thought I would NEVER do. I am not sure where this whole running thing came from since in cop school I hated to run and dreaded the mile and a half we had to do. However, I am determined to finish it! I have a 20 mile run to do this week and then it is time to taper the miles and get rested. I have had a horrible cold and I just can't shake it...and it certainly does affect my running. So hopefully by race day I will be healthy and ready to RUN!
26.2 miles is going leave me with a lot of time to think and listen to music. So I would like to think of you. I would like to compile a new play list that gives me inspriation and makes me think of all the people that I Love. So please send me your favorite song and I will be sure to add it to my list. I think you can just add a comment to this blog post or of course send an email.
Ciao Ciao!!!
26.2 miles is going leave me with a lot of time to think and listen to music. So I would like to think of you. I would like to compile a new play list that gives me inspriation and makes me think of all the people that I Love. So please send me your favorite song and I will be sure to add it to my list. I think you can just add a comment to this blog post or of course send an email.
Ciao Ciao!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
We are ready for the mid-west!!
Addison and Daddy show off their love of MN with their wears! We are so excited to get back to the mid-west and we are very very happy to report that we HAVE WRITTEN ORDERS!!! It is official...we will be moving to Omaha in January. We are starting to figure out all the logistics which are difficult when moving from overseas...especially when doing so with a dog! But we are figuring it out and will have more of a schedule soon. We are very ready to get back closer to home!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Addison is 1!! It is so hard to believe that our little Addison is one year old! Addison had a great birthday! She was able to spend the day with some friends, Keegan and Massimo! Then on the weekend she was lucky enough to have Auntie Steph and Uncle Trent here to help her celebrate with another party!
Addison proved to be somewhat of a princess when she at her cakes! Yes one on the day and one for the party!! She was most interested in the frosting and could not figure out what was on her hands. She mostly just licked the frosting.
We wanted to thank everyone for the very fun presents and also all the Happy Birthday thoughts! We hope you enjoy the pictures!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Just because.....

Good Morning! It is a beautiful Fall day here. It is clear enough to see the water! It doesn't matter where we are in the world Fall is my favorite time of year. And this year we have more reason to be excited! We have a birthday to celebrate! And we have lots of visitors coming!! We hope you enjoy the picture of Addi! We are very lucky!
We are still waiting on orders..because they are going through a wavier process it is taking a bit longer I guess. But I will wait because it means we get to leave this CRAZY place a bit early. This week there have been 500 military troops deployed to the Naples area because of an incident involving the shooting of seven African immigrants. The government has declared war and condemned this act of terrorism. This place really could be is just sad there are so many problems! We are safe so there is no worry there. I guess all I can say is Naples has been and continues to be "an experience".
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Fall!

Yeah it is Fall and in Naples it finally feels like Fall. We went from really hot to pretty cool. But we are loving the break from the heat. It has made for great running weather and even some fun afternoons at the park. We were able to take some fun fall pictures and thought we would share them with you! Lotsa Love from the Nesbitt's! We still haven't gotten word on our orders....hopefully SOON!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Woof Woof....
Monday, September 15, 2008
Where has the time gone?

I can not believe that Addison is nearly one year old. I don't know what happened. It didn't seem like it was that long ago that I was as big as a house. Addison is all over the place! She definately wears her Daddy and I out! She is so curious. She isn't walking quite yet but is close. She balances by herself, giggles and sits down. She is learning lots of new sounds/words too. It seems like there is something new all the time. We are very excited for her 1st birthday! And even more exciting is that Auntie Steph and Uncle T will be here!
Bill got an email from the detailer that said in 7-10 days we should expect written orders. We are very excited to be moving on to our next place. Especially since it is so much closer to HOME!! We hope that you enjoy the recent photos!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hey there! Sorry it has been so long! We just returned from spending Memorial Day weekend in Barcelona! We had a great time discovering the city with our friends Harriet and Kevin. Addison had the opportunity for some more first time experiences including going to the Barcelona Zoo. It was great! Bill and I had a blast watching Addison. She especially loved the monkies!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
What A Week!!
My Birthday was fantastic! Thanks for all the happy wishes! It was quite a week for me. On Sunday I finished a 14 mile run. The furthest this body has ever gone! I was quite excited to have finished it the same week I turned 30! So that is my big news!
It is insane that the summer is coming to a close and in only four short months we will be on a plane back to the USA!! We are taking this weekend to travel to Spain. We are going to Barcelona! Hopefully Addison is a good that she is mobile she has a mind of her own!
Overall, we are doing well. Excited for the weather to get cooler and very excited for our vistors in October and November!
We just wanted to drop a line before we jet away for the weekend! Happy Memorial Day!!!
Lotsa Love,
The Nesbitt trio + Sidney
It is insane that the summer is coming to a close and in only four short months we will be on a plane back to the USA!! We are taking this weekend to travel to Spain. We are going to Barcelona! Hopefully Addison is a good that she is mobile she has a mind of her own!
Overall, we are doing well. Excited for the weather to get cooler and very excited for our vistors in October and November!
We just wanted to drop a line before we jet away for the weekend! Happy Memorial Day!!!
Lotsa Love,
The Nesbitt trio + Sidney
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Jenni's 30th!
The Big One! Jenni and Addison and I went to Jenni's (second?) favorite place on earth - Tuscany- for her 30th Birthday and spent some time at an "agriturismo" vineyard called Verazzano (the same family that the Bridge in NYC is named after). We spent the night in the farmhouse and did a tour and had lunch in the castle and tasted a few great wines. We all had a great time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Addison in Action!!
Addison is learning so many things so fast! She LOVES Sidney as you can tell. She is learning to wave and clap. She is so much fun. It has been really really hot here so we have been hanging out at the pool and trying to keep cool. It has been very challenging to run. I have to get up and run super early! I am feeling much better...I had a slight injury so I couldn't run for a couple of weeks. I am back on the training road to Athens! I hope the video works...this is our first time trying to load a video! Lotsa Love from the Nesbitt's!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Who needs toys?

It has been awhile since I have updated this site. Addison and I have been busy with Mommy and Me swimming lessons. She loves the water....hates being cold. The lessons are in an outdoor pool in the morning and most days it has been quite hot but with a little breeze it feels pretty cold. She is doing great! She was much less afraid than her Mommy. The first lesson when the teacher told us that we were going to sing and the put the child under the water I thought she was crazy. Addison did great despite my fear! Addison can no longer be contained. She is crawling everywhere...and nothing is safe. But we are having so much fun. It seems like everyday she learns something new and it is so exciting to watch.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Addison and I are very proud of Bill! He was selected for Lt Commander! The message was posted last week. Bill will put on the rank probably Jan or Feb.
In other Nesbitt News....we are getting very excited for our impending move. Still no hard copy orders but we are very anxious. We are trying to figure out how to get the dog shipped and all that happy stuff!
We hope you all are enjoying summer and would love to know what you are up to!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Playtime with Daddy!!
New Funny Face!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
9 Months Old!!
Addison is 9 months old!! Where has the time gone? She is learning lots of new things, one of the newest being standing up in her crib! She still needs a little help but can hold herself up once she is standing! She loves to chat and sing which is great to listen to if it is just the two of you! Trying to talk to someone might not get much of the conversation! She is such a sweet, happy little girl and definately makes our house happy!! We can't wait to get home and be able to share her!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hot Hot Hot!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
On the Move!!

Summer has arrived! It has been hot here in Naples but that hasn't stopped Addison. She is on the move! She is moving backwards and rolling crawling quite yet but it isn't far off. She has so much fun playing with her toys! She is content for quite some time by herself which is SO nice for me!!! I hope you like the new pictures! Thanks Auntie Steph for the new dress!!!
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