Tuesday, March 26, 2013
We have a BOY!
So, it seemed that after Bill left for Bahrain I spent an inordinate amount of time at the Dr's office. I feel like I am repeating that! Last week we went to the Dr. because Landon said his "mouth hurt" arrrr he had strep. Well on Monday as he was running down the hall as usual to drop Addi off at school he tripped and fell. I knew the moment I saw it that it wasn't gonna be good. Yup, it wasn't! There was blood everywhere! We got it cleaned up and it wasn't too bad but it was still a pretty big gash! I brought him into the Dr. where they glued it! I was thankful he didn't have to have stitches.
So getting his ears checked is similar to WWF! I needed to pull some moves I haven't in
quite some time! But getting your head glued? NO problem at all for Landon! He didn't move! I don't understand!
So getting his ears checked is similar to WWF! I needed to pull some moves I haven't in
quite some time! But getting your head glued? NO problem at all for Landon! He didn't move! I don't understand!
Nothing a little glue can't fix!
Normal Days?
I am not sure there are such a thing as "normal" days at our house. Especially lately! Things have been CRAZY!
So, we were trying to figure out what Landon should wear for Easter....well he wanted to take a picture...with Sidney wearing a tie too! Really? That poor dog! There is a connection between a boy and his dog!
I am not sure what inspired the Zebra costume but Landon likes to play dress up too! Only he goes up to his drawer and puts on shirt after shirt after shirt! One day I came to put his pj's on and he had 4 shirts on! Normally there will be a Viking shirt somewhere in the mix!
Tutu's and Camo pants...gotta love it! I was at least able to convince him to leave the tutu's at home!
Burklund Blessings!
It is no secret that I LOVE the Burklund Family! Breanna is our favorite babysitter and of course Addi's sister (she tells people this....they are a bit confused but go with it!). Jake took care of our yard this past summer and Brad and Pam...are the parents of these amazing kids! The entire family has been such a blessing this past year! I am trying to convince Breanna to come to Washington D.C. to college....a year early! I promised her parents that I would take good care of her!
So, on friday night we were invited to the Grand Opening of the Walker Tire exhibit at the Omaha Children's Museum! It was amazing and Addi and Landon had so much fun! It was a private event so they had the run of the whole museum too and with their favorite pal/sister!
Fixing the car with Bre
Walker Tire is my FAVORITE place.....it is a tire shop and it doesn't even smell like tires!
And the people are SO nice!!!!
Making a license plate for the car is one of the things you can do...so cute!
Landon looked pretty cute in the little shirt...despite the strange picture!
Ahhh they found the horn button! The horn and the drill are on timers and stop working after a little while so kids get bored with it and put it down. I thought that was funny!
Too cute!
Addi posing...she wanted to ride the reindeer but didn't get too!
Landon riding the chicken!
I think Landon rode every bike there was there! At one point he looks at Bre, Pam and I and said "there no tires" what he meant was there were no pedals. One of the bikes didn't have pedals and he didn't like that he thought it was broken!
Landon LOVES Brad! He talks about him all the time. One day we were at Target and Landon had to buy Brad some tootsie rolls. They had recently been to the Rose and he had some so Landon wanted to get him some more! "I buy tootsie rolls for Brad" He attacked Brad the moment he saw him. Poor Brad gets hugs at the knees and nearly taken out! Brad and Pam are seriously so sweet! The type of people that make you feel like a better person just because you know them! We are so lucky!
Thanks Burklunds for being such amazing people and so great to us!
Maybe there should be a Walker Tire branch in Fairfax???
Monday, March 18, 2013
Happy Birthday Bill!
Happy Birthday Bill! I am sad that Bill wasn't here to celebrate his birthday! But we are counting down the days to when we can REALLY celebrate with him! 19 DAYS! I don't think his birthday was great...but we had a fun time getting a package ready for him! Addi and Landon had a great time watching him open his box!
Here they are getting it all ready to send to Daddy!
We filled it with balloons...the kids were so excited about that!
Mom Prom
This weekend was MOM PROM! It was a fun event that was held as a fundraiser for the Nebraska SIDS foundation. So it was a great cause and I spent the evening was great friends! Thanks to my BFF Casie for making my nails look amazing! My green dress was quite appropriate for St. Patty's Day!
Me and my Hot date!! Thanks Jess!
Me and Amy
Our MOPS group! Thanks ladies for the great night!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Today I woke up to a little girl running down the hallway and landing on me while I was still in bed....the first thing out of her mouth "Mom....it is Taylor Swift Day!!!" I was pretty surprised since Addison doesn't outwardly show her excitement too often. She tried without success to take a nap today!
At 5 we left Landon with a new babysitter, Alie (Bri's friend from down the street). Alie has a new puppy named Sugar. Landon saw Sugar one day while he was being walked....now it is ALL he can talk about. Landon usually cries for a new babysitter but not today! He was way to excited to go meet Sugar! Alie said that they were talking about superheros and she asked him who his favorite was...he thought and thought and finally his answer was "my Dad" I couldn't agree with you more Landon!
So before the concert we ate at the Hilton across the street! I think Addi was too excited to even eat! Then we went over and met up with her BFF Sophia and her cousins. They were going to the show too! Then we made our way to our seats. There was an opening act for the opening act which was a little much! Just get on with it already!! I wasn't too impressed with Ed Sheeran however, Taylor Swift was amazing! She really does just put on a great show! And she is just so cute! People had made these light up signs and when she came to perform on the stage toward the back and saw them. She called them out and thanked them for making them.
When I asked Addison as she was going to bed what her favorite thing was she said "everything...well all the parts that had Taylor Swift in them." I think it was a great Christmas gift! One she is SURE not to forget for a long time! I surprised her with a concert shirt with all the tour dates on the back and pointed out that Omaha was the very first performance. I told her that there was a performance in D.C. in May...she thinks she should go to that one too! I am so happy she had fun...so did I!
At 5 we left Landon with a new babysitter, Alie (Bri's friend from down the street). Alie has a new puppy named Sugar. Landon saw Sugar one day while he was being walked....now it is ALL he can talk about. Landon usually cries for a new babysitter but not today! He was way to excited to go meet Sugar! Alie said that they were talking about superheros and she asked him who his favorite was...he thought and thought and finally his answer was "my Dad" I couldn't agree with you more Landon!
So before the concert we ate at the Hilton across the street! I think Addi was too excited to even eat! Then we went over and met up with her BFF Sophia and her cousins. They were going to the show too! Then we made our way to our seats. There was an opening act for the opening act which was a little much! Just get on with it already!! I wasn't too impressed with Ed Sheeran however, Taylor Swift was amazing! She really does just put on a great show! And she is just so cute! People had made these light up signs and when she came to perform on the stage toward the back and saw them. She called them out and thanked them for making them.
Addi next to Taylor Swift....a poster at least!
Fun Group!! Who knew that I was the short one?
So so so lucky that Addi's BFF and my BFF match up!! How does that happen??
Addi totally steals my heart!
Addi and her "sister"aka her other BFF!! We are surely Brianna lovers at our house!
It was so awesome that Bri and her Mom were able to come with us!!
Addi hangin with her BFF!!
The look as Taylor was about to come on the stage for the first time!!
It was an impressive show she was in the front, back, coming up through the floor, the drummers were floating, there were fireworks inside (Addi: "Are they real ones mom?") there was one part where she rode a little circle through the audience! I was impressed! It was lots of fun! Addi was SO tired by about half way through. She even fell asleep in the car....I don't remember the last time that happened!
When I asked Addison as she was going to bed what her favorite thing was she said "everything...well all the parts that had Taylor Swift in them." I think it was a great Christmas gift! One she is SURE not to forget for a long time! I surprised her with a concert shirt with all the tour dates on the back and pointed out that Omaha was the very first performance. I told her that there was a performance in D.C. in May...she thinks she should go to that one too! I am so happy she had fun...so did I!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Doodle Cakes
Feb 27- So we had a play date for MOPS this morning. I really do enjoy the time I get to spend with Landon while Addison is in school. Today we actually got to do something for Landon rather than just errands and the gym.

Our little Chef at Doodle Cakes! He got to first decorate his hat...that was fun all alone...then came the frosting!
So Landon did a great job with that! He didn't even want to eat it like I thought he was going to! So we decorated cookie monster....not too bad

Until Landon decided to make his mouth!
Now it was time to eat it!!! It was actually pretty good cause Landon shared it with me!
The count down is in full force! We are very excited to be welcoming Bill home in 27 days! Bill is more than excited to be leaving the land of misfit toys! As much as this year has been filled with challenges it is REALLY good that I did not go to Bahrain! I am quite certain that I would be in jail, deported or a combination! Upon Bill's arrival however, a move is in our future. That is the hard part for me.
It is no secret that I ADORE Omaha! It is my place! The Navy however doesn't seem to really care about that! Even if we were to extend here in Omaha though we would still have another move to do before Bill could retire. So, we decided that we would get it out of the way while the kids were young. SO we will be leaving for Fairfax, Virginia!
We have rented our house to a wonderful Navy family....PERFECT! And are renting a house from another Navy family. The commute for Bill shouldn't be too bad...a 4 block walk to an express bus that will take him to the Pentagon. We have a school for Addison, a preschool for Landon and a church all lined up. It is so ironic that the Chaplin that Bill met in Bahrain lives in the SAME neighborhood we will be living in. His wife even called me and welcomed me to the area which was so sweet! As much as I don't want to leave Omaha I am excited for what D.C. has to offer. It will be so educational for our kiddos and a nice little adventure before we come back to the midwest for good.
But I am in full swing move mode which is stressful, exhausting, overwhelming and emotional all at the same time! But on the other hand I know I am surrounded by amazing people that will help me however they can! I really hate leaving people...it is the people that make the place! And this place is amazing! I am just hopeful that we are going to have a lot of visitors and three years really will go by quickly! I will do my best to keep up on the blog over the next month or so!!!
It is no secret that I ADORE Omaha! It is my place! The Navy however doesn't seem to really care about that! Even if we were to extend here in Omaha though we would still have another move to do before Bill could retire. So, we decided that we would get it out of the way while the kids were young. SO we will be leaving for Fairfax, Virginia!
We have rented our house to a wonderful Navy family....PERFECT! And are renting a house from another Navy family. The commute for Bill shouldn't be too bad...a 4 block walk to an express bus that will take him to the Pentagon. We have a school for Addison, a preschool for Landon and a church all lined up. It is so ironic that the Chaplin that Bill met in Bahrain lives in the SAME neighborhood we will be living in. His wife even called me and welcomed me to the area which was so sweet! As much as I don't want to leave Omaha I am excited for what D.C. has to offer. It will be so educational for our kiddos and a nice little adventure before we come back to the midwest for good.
But I am in full swing move mode which is stressful, exhausting, overwhelming and emotional all at the same time! But on the other hand I know I am surrounded by amazing people that will help me however they can! I really hate leaving people...it is the people that make the place! And this place is amazing! I am just hopeful that we are going to have a lot of visitors and three years really will go by quickly! I will do my best to keep up on the blog over the next month or so!!!
Fun Times
Random dance party at our house. These are VERY typical outfits for Addi and Landon! I have to HIDE Landon's Vikings clothes otherwise that is all he will want to wear! And Addi...it is all a matter of her mood!
Landon was napping one day and Addi and I were making dinner. We had the ipod on and a David Cook song came on...Addison stopped what she was doing and said "Mom I just HAVE TO go and change my outfit." She came up with a new outfit on and started to dance/cook once again! I guess the music was just that inspiring!
Buddies.....Casie and I trade off driving duties to dance! This week I didn't have to drive so Ronan and Vollen came over to hang out. At one point they were all in hats and bow ties. I missed the photo op but was able to grab this one! Landon loves to hug his friends!
Three Little Monkeys....at the ZOO!!
Last weekend (March 2-3) Steph, Trent and Lucas came down to Omaha for a visit! It was so great to get to see them! Lucas made his first trip to the zoo! It was so much fun watching him! We visited the jungle, aquarium, we saw the new lion cubs, and lots of monkeys! Addi and Landon LOVED being able to show Lucas around! They thought they were pretty cool!
Silly little Lucas!
2 of the 3 monkeys!
I sure have two cute kiddos!
An attempt at a picture of the three of them before Lucas fell off the box... "I thought you were holding him Landon" says Addi! Arrr!
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