We made a trip to the mall to see Santa and had story time with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
We have continued to have fun with Oliver. He has been in a little mischief. One night he left a snow angel made of flour. It was the best thing ever...Addison came running in with the news. He also left a trail of crayons one night to a new coloring book. Whoever thought of a slightly creepy elf on a shelf and wrote a corresponding book was genius! But it really is so much fun.
As we get ready to embark on Christmas we hope that the season finds you filled with joy and thanksgiving as you get to spend time with those you love. We surely are looking forward to more snuggles from our new little nephew and spending time with friends and family! Safe travels to all. You can look forward to an official Nesbitt family greeting probably about Valentines Day (it has kinda become tradition!!).
Love to you all from the Nesbitts

Photos with Santa...Landon didn't mind Santa at all..he went right up to him. Addison of course only asked for one thing....Make-up. I guess I have to give her credit for being consistent.

Addison after her program at church. They sang "Mary had a Baby" and "This Little Light of Mine" Addi made sure that she was singing. After we got home though we got a private concert and that was even better. I couldn't believe how many people were there. It was packed and Landon didn't stop moving the entire time.
Story time with Santa and Mrs. Claus
Daddy and Addi surfing the net! I think they were watching I Love My Hair....again!