Today was Addison's first day of preschool...round two. We would have done pre-k but with the way things are set up she would have to wait another year to go to kindergarten so we just decided to do Mrs. Ziemba's class again. Addi was so excited that Daddy was going to go with her today. She came in and asked him while he was still half asleep. Addison was so excited and I think she had a bit more confidence going into it knowing she knew what was going to happen. On the way to school I asked her what she was most looking forward to about this year and she said, "Learning Numbers". That is the first time that I have had that response.
When I picked her up she was very excited and was willing to tell me about her day! She got to be the pet leader today and got to feed the new hamster named Smokey (I think). She was also telling Landon the Pledge of Allegiance at lunch today. Her favorite part about the day was Mrs. Ziemba "she is a nice lady mom" She even had to make Mrs Ziemba a card for the first day of school. I LOVE my little thoughtful girl!
We had a busy day filled with a hair cut and her first day of dance!

"Mom this is how kid models pose"

What? Two kids looking at was a quick picture before Addi's haircut! Ahhh I wish I would have taken more time to get the light right!! Oh well they are still cute!