We had a great time when Andrea, Celia, Thomas and Auntie Pat came to visit. We got to do lots of fun things....go to the zoo, they got to see Addi's last dance class and it was Addi's last day of school...another few days of crazy...but fun!

Auntie Pat & Celia at the Zoo

Two Cute little girls....having lots of fun. I think Addi finally met her match...Celia and her talk about the same amount!

The desert dome which Celia reminded us all day about being smelly...it really was. She was also very excited about all the cactus.

I LOVE this picture. Andrea went into to check on them once and they were putting on skirts in the closet. She warned them and when she went back in there to check this is what she found. They are so cute!

Landon watching the girls play at the park just trying to figure out this running thing! He is moving around like crazy and is pulling himself up on everything and crawling more and more the "right" way instead of his little scooting way!

One messy princess!

Landon had lots of fun at dance rehearsal!

Addi showing off her skipping skills

The last day of preschool. Can that be right? It went so fast but she sure did learn a lot. She even was educating Auntie on how the bees take the pollen out of the flowers!