On Friday, Feb 4, Landon had his 6 month check up. He had to get 5 shots. One was oral but 4 injections. He did great. The first one he just kinda looked at me, the next one he kinda starte to cry by the third one he was crying and about 30 seconds after the fourth one was done he was quiet. It helped that he had his sister right there to look at.
Our Little Man's Stats...
Weight: 18lbs 3oz (64%)
Height: 28 1/2 inches (96%)
Head size: 17 1/2 inches (70%)
I can't believe how tall he is. I know it shouldn't come as a big surprise since we aren't a real small family..especially if you look at my uncles!! Those genes along with Daddy and there is no possible chance Landon is going to be a peanut like his sister.