Addison is such a great big sister. Landon is locked into her. She was in the living room and Landon was having tummy time and she was talking (of course) and walked across the room and Landon just followed her with his little head. He is rolling over too so he was on his back. He can roll from his front to his back. He really started doing it a lot Labor Day weekend but did it twice when he was three weeks old. He is a really strong little guy.
Here are some recent pictures of Addison. She has started posing for her pictures....well if she is in the mood. Here is when I caught her in the mood on Tuesday after school.

And we were able to have a picnic with Daddy at work. We sat at the parade field on Wednesday. It was a great day for a picnic...but I sure did pay for it later when I had to go to the grocery store. Landon was screaming cause it was time to eat and I tried to get all the way through but couldn't. So I stopped to feed him. Then Addi had to go potty..okay so I was going to change Landon while Addi went potty...for some reason she started both kids were now it tears. Thank goodness we were in the bathroom and not in the store. Everything got sorted out and we got home where Addison then told me that she had an accident last night and didn't tell me until now. Ahhhhhh....I was truly ready to give them both away! Good thing they are cute...and that my husband loves me...he brought me some wine!