Happy 4th of JULY (a little late). I Love the 4th of July....it is just so fun and festive. We had a great time. We traveled to the great town of Fairmont for the weekend. Steph and Trent were fabulous hosts! We met my parents there and had a great relaxing weekend.
Saturday we had lunch at the Amboy Cottage Cafe. It was so great! It is just this tiny little place in Amboy, MN the whole place can maybe fit 30 people but the food was amazing! Everything was fresh, locally grown when possible. Yummy! The boys did a little golfing and the girls did a little shopping. When we were driving back to my sisters house....I wasn't sure I was going to make it. Something was going on and little baby Nesbitt wasn't comfortable.....therefore....mommy wasn't comfortable. Yikes! But all is well now and the drive back was just fine. Addi also got to check out one of Fairmont's parks....she was impressed!
Sunday we did a little pontooning out on the lake, had a tasty lunch, and went to see the Prairie Dog exhibit (yup, that is how you know you are in small town MN!) Addison loved it. She had a great afternoon nap preparing her for the fireworks. She hates loud noises so I wasn't sure what she was going to think of it but she liked it. Fairmont had a big fireworks show...it was really long.
It was great to just relax and spend time with family. It is probably our last trip just the three of us. Since I am 36 weeks I don't thing much travel is advised. Once again, I don't really want a State Trooper delivering our baby! Lakeside hospital works just great! In fact they called today and our scheduled date is all set! August 3rd at 7:30a.m. The real question is will baby wait that long!!!