We hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and took a moment to think of and thank all the men and women that serve our great country! Sometimes the meaning of the holiday gets lost among the hot dogs and thoughts of summer. THANK YOU to the brave men and women in uniform!!
We had a great weekend. It was very productive!! Bill did a ton of work outside and it looks great (thanks baby). Despite my best efforts I really wasn't much help. Addi had fun looking for worms though! The pool is looking like something that we would think about getting into again. We took the cover off and yikes! It was FULL and had all kinds of creepy crawly bits of yuck in it.
Sunday evening we were lucky enough to have the Schlueters over for dinner! Like always we had a great time! I tried to take some fun pictures of Sophie and Addi but they were having too much fun playing to pause for a moment! They are such cute friends! We truly could not have designed better neighbors! Thanks for the company guys!!

How they both fit in that car is beyond me!!

Little Miss Hollywood (with the upside down glasses...as usual)

Today we had a Dr. appointment...everything is looking good. I am still measuring a bit big this week it was a 33 weeks even though I am at 31. I guess if it continues around 34 weeks they might look at doing another ultrasound. I really just want them to tell me that they are going to let us meet this baby early! I think this little guy is going to come on his own time. Something tells me he isn't the planning type!
Other than colds for Bill and I all is good with the Nesbitt's! We hope all is well in your corner of the world as well!