Steph and I had a great trip to Paris. The flights were never-ending but it was worth it. Paris is such a wonderful city. We covered a lot in a week! For me the highlights were....seeing the Eiffel Tower sparkle, the Orsay (Monet and a Carpeaux statue), Versailles was amazing, and just the city itself. Everywhere you look there is an neat old building or a stunning cathedral. We certainly did eat some good food I can't believe what they can do with flour and water! The bread is amazing!! I really enjoyed GOOD coffee. It was fun to be able to drink the wine this time too!! Last time I was pregnant! I even got Steph to try wine, and mussels too!
I am quite certain that we covered every metro stop in Paris! But we did well. We got around very easily and had no problems. We of course have some stories! Stephanie causes incidents (i can write that cause there is nothing she can do about it!!) We had the unattended baggage freak out a couple times, a broken rail on the train, some security incident at the Louvre, some guy trying to give us a gold ring and various other strange incidents! I of course blamed Steph! Overall it was a wonderful trip and I had a great time with my little sis!
I got to redeem myself with the photos a bit. The last time we were in Paris our digital camera broke and we forgot how to use the film camera. So I hope you enjoy the pictures!