Yeah it is Library (Briberry) Day! Addison was SO excited this morning. We got ready and followed Casie, Sophie and Vollen to the Library. We go to get out and she is shrieking because she is so excited. We walked to where Sophie was getting out of the car and the first thing that Addison had to do was give Sophie a hug. They proceeded to hold hands the entire way into the library. Casie and I were just cracking up! They are SO ADORABLE!!!!! We are so lucky to have such great neighbors and for Addison to have such a great friend that she loves so much!!!
Then at story time Addison was just really into everything. When we would finish a song she was the first to yell "yeah" and clap. She has just changed so much. I was looking at pictures of her when she was just born. It doesn't even seem like it can be the same kid. We have been working on potty training and it is going pretty well. We have had a few accidents but she is getting it I think!! It sure does make for a long day!!!